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Last active August 13, 2018 20:56
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module ServantAuthGoogle where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (Handler)
import Control.Error.Util (hush)
import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.), (^?))
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Crypto.JOSE as Jose
import qualified Crypto.JWT as Jose
import Crypto.Util (constTimeEq)
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Function ((&))
import Network.HTTP.Simple hiding (Proxy)
import Network.URI hiding (path)
import Network.Wai (requestHeaders)
import Servant.Auth.Server hiding (audienceMatches,
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.Class (IsAuth (..))
import qualified Harbinger.Type.Email as Email
-- | Payload decoded from an @idToken@ JWT issued by Google's Identity service.
data GoogleAuth
= GoogleAuth
{ gaEmail :: !Email.EmailAddress
, gaEmailVerified :: !(Maybe Bool)
, gaName :: !(Maybe Text)
, gaPicture :: !(Maybe Text)
, gaGivenName :: !(Maybe Text)
, gaFamilyName :: !(Maybe Text)
, gaLocale :: !(Maybe Text)
, gaHostDomain :: !(Maybe Text)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromJSON GoogleAuth where
parseJSON = withObject "GoogleAuth" $ \o -> do
gaEmail <- o .: "email"
gaName <- o .:? "name"
gaPicture <- o .:? "picture"
gaGivenName <- o .:? "givenName"
gaFamilyName <- o .:? "familyName"
gaLocale <- o .:? "locale"
gaHostDomain <- o .:? "hd"
e <- o .:? "emailVerified"
let gaEmailVerified = toBool =<< e
pure GoogleAuth{..}
toBool :: Text -> Maybe Bool
toBool "true" = Just True
toBool "false" = Just False
toBool _ = Nothing
instance FromJWT GoogleAuth where
decodeJWT m =
let claims = m ^. Jose.unregisteredClaims
in case fromJSON (Object claims) of
Error e -> Left $ pack e
Success a -> Right a
instance ToJSON GoogleAuth
instance ToJWT GoogleAuth
-- | Newtype that wraps some function checking if a Google JWT Audience matches
-- | some string.
newtype GoogleJWTAudienceMatches
= GoogleJWTAudienceMatches (Jose.StringOrURI -> IsMatch)
-- | Newtype that wraps some function checking if a Google JWT Issuer matches
-- | some string.
newtype GoogleJWTIssuerMatches
= GoogleJWTIssuerMatches (Jose.StringOrURI -> IsMatch)
-- | Authentication settings for @idToken@ JWTs issued by Google's Identity
-- | service.
data GoogleAuthSettings
= GoogleAuthSettings
{ gasKeySet :: !Jose.JWKSet
, gasAudienceMatches :: !GoogleJWTAudienceMatches
, gasIssuerMatches :: !GoogleJWTIssuerMatches
, gasHostDomain :: !(Maybe Text)
-- | Check that a given @String@ matches a @Jose.StringOrURI@.
stringOrUriMatches :: String -> Jose.StringOrURI -> IsMatch
stringOrUriMatches inputString stringOrUri =
fromMaybe DoesNotMatch $ tryUri <|> tryString
tryUri :: Maybe IsMatch
tryUri = do
uri <- stringOrUri ^? Jose.uri
inputUri <- parseURI inputString
guard $ inputUri == uri
pure Matches
tryString :: Maybe IsMatch
tryString = do
string <- stringOrUri ^? Jose.string
guard $ inputString == string
pure Matches
-- | Smart constructor for @GoogleAudienceMatches@ given some @String@.
googleAudienceMatches :: String -> GoogleJWTAudienceMatches
googleAudienceMatches = GoogleJWTAudienceMatches . stringOrUriMatches
-- | Smart constructor for @GoogleIssuerMatches@ given some @String@.
googleIssuerMatches :: String -> GoogleJWTIssuerMatches
googleIssuerMatches = GoogleJWTIssuerMatches . stringOrUriMatches
-- | An @AuthCheck@ for JWTs requiring @audienceMatches@ and @issuerMatches@
-- | predicates, in our case specifically for @idToken@ JWTs that come from
-- | Google's Identity service.
googleAuthCheck :: GoogleAuthSettings -> AuthCheck GoogleAuth
googleAuthCheck config = do
req <- ask
token <- maybe mempty return $ do
authHdr <- lookup "Authorization" $ requestHeaders req
let bearer = "Bearer "
(mbearer, rest) = BS.splitAt (BS.length bearer) authHdr
guard (mbearer `constTimeEq` bearer)
pure rest
verifiedJWT <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ do
unverifiedJWT <- Jose.decodeCompact $ LBS.fromStrict token
Jose.verifyClaims (googleAuthSettingsToJwtValidationSettings config)
(gasKeySet config)
let mVerifiedJWT = do
verified <- hush (verifiedJWT :: Either Jose.JWTError Jose.ClaimsSet)
decoded <- hush $ decodeJWT verified :: Maybe GoogleAuth
if (isNothing $ gasHostDomain config)
then Just decoded
else do
hd <- gasHostDomain config
jd <- gaHostDomain decoded
if (hd == jd) then (Just decoded) else Nothing
maybe mzero pure mVerifiedJWT
-- | Slightly modified version of @jwtSettingsToJwtValidationSettings@ that
-- | verifies both @audienceMatches@ and @issuerMatches@ predicates.
:: GoogleAuthSettings
-> Jose.JWTValidationSettings
googleAuthSettingsToJwtValidationSettings gas =
let (GoogleJWTAudienceMatches gam) = gasAudienceMatches gas
(GoogleJWTIssuerMatches gim) = gasIssuerMatches gas
validationSettings = Jose.defaultJWTValidationSettings (toBool <$> gam)
in validationSettings & Jose.issuerPredicate .~ (toBool <$> gim)
toBool Matches = True
toBool DoesNotMatch = False
instance IsAuth GoogleAuth GoogleAuth where
type AuthArgs GoogleAuth = '[GoogleAuthSettings]
runAuth _ _ = googleAuthCheck
getJWKSet :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe Jose.JWKSet)
getJWKSet host path = do
let req =
setRequestMethod "GET"
. setRequestSecure True
. setRequestHost host
. setRequestPath path
. setRequestPort 443
$ defaultRequest
hush . getResponseBody <$> httpJSONEither req
module ServantAuthMain.hs where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (keys, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent (killThread)
import Control.Monad.Metrics (initializeWith)
import Database.Persist.Postgresql (ConnectionPool,
import Harbinger.Config
import Harbinger.Logger
import qualified Harbinger.Server as Server
import Harbinger.Type.App
import Harbinger.Type.AppEnv
import Harbinger.Type.Config
import Harbinger.Type.ServerSettings
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import qualified Network.Wai.Metrics as NWM
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
import Servant (hoistServerWithContext,
import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering)
import System.Remote.Monitoring.Wai (forkServer,
-- | Initialize the application and serve the API.
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
config@Config {..} <- getConfig
print config
logState@LogState{..} <- mkLogState cServerEnv
connPool <- mkConnectionPool config logState
ServerSettings {..} <- mkServerSettings config
(forkServer "localhost" 8081)
(killThread . serverThreadId) $
\metricServer -> do
-- Set up EKG metrics store and WAI metrics logging
let metricStore = serverMetricStore metricServer
metrics <- initializeWith metricStore
waiMetrics <- NWM.registerWaiMetrics metricStore
-- Set up WAI request logging middlware
let waiLogger = case cServerEnv of
Development -> logStdoutDev
Testing -> id
_ -> logStdout
middleware = (NWM.metrics waiMetrics) . waiLogger
appEnv = AppEnv metrics connPool lsContexts lsNamespace lsLogEnv
handler =
(appToHandler appEnv)
server =
run cServerPort . middleware $ server
-- | Record of the information @Katip@ needs.
data LogState
= LogState
{ lsContexts :: !LogContexts
, lsNamespace :: !Namespace
, lsLogEnv :: !LogEnv
-- | Make a @Katip@ @LogState@ based on the application's environment.
mkLogState :: ServerEnv -> IO LogState
mkLogState env = do
let katipEnv = Environment $ tshow env
let logLevel =
case env of
Production -> InfoS
_ -> DebugS
handleScribe <- mkHandleScribe ColorIfTerminal stdout logLevel V2
let mkLogEnv = initLogEnv mempty katipEnv
logEnv <-
registerScribe "stdout" handleScribe defaultScribeSettings =<< mkLogEnv
pure $ LogState mempty mempty logEnv
-- | Make a PostgreSQL @ConnectionPool@ based on the @Config@ record; log all
-- | associated database actions out using a @Katip@ logger with the provided
-- | @LogState@.
mkConnectionPool :: Config -> LogState -> IO ConnectionPool
mkConnectionPool config@Config {..} LogState{..} = do
let connStr = mkConnectionString config
logLoudness =
case cServerEnv of
Testing -> katipNoLogging
_ -> id
runKatipContextT lsLogEnv lsContexts lsNamespace
$ logLoudness
$ katipAddNamespace "psql"
$ createPostgresqlPool connStr cPGPoolSize
-- | Make a PostgreSQL @ConnectionString@ based on the @Config@ record.
mkConnectionString :: Config -> ConnectionString
mkConnectionString Config {..} =
let keys = ["host=", "port=", "user=", "password=", "dbname="]
params = [cPGHost, tshow cPGPort, cPGUser, cPGPassword, cPGDatabase]
zipped = zipWith (<>) keys (map encodeUtf8 params)
in intercalate " " zipped
module Harbinger.Type.ServerSettings where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (keys)
import Servant
import Servant.Auth.Server
import Harbinger.Type.Config
import Harbinger.Util.GoogleAuth
-- | The @servant-auth@ plugin settings needed to for the route handlers.
type ServerAuthSettings = '[GoogleAuthSettings, JWTSettings, CookieSettings]
-- | The term-level representation of @servant-auth@'s plugin settings.
type ServerAuthConfig = Context ServerAuthSettings
-- | The type-level representation of @servant-auth@'s plugin settings.
type ServerAuthContext = Proxy ServerAuthSettings
-- | Settings needed to run Harbinger's web api server.
data ServerSettings
= ServerSettings
{ ssAuthConfig :: ServerAuthConfig
, ssAuthContext :: ServerAuthContext
-- | An error that can be encountered when trying to retrieve a @JWKSet@ from
-- | Google.
data GoogleJWKSetRetrievalError
= GoogleJWKSetRetrievalError
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception GoogleJWKSetRetrievalError
mkServerSettings :: Config -> IO ServerSettings
mkServerSettings Config{..} = do
let gasAudienceMatches = googleAudienceMatches $ unpack cGoogleJWTAudience
let gasIssuerMatches = googleIssuerMatches $ unpack cGoogleJWTIssuer
let gasHostDomain = cGoogleHostDomain
mKeySet <- getJWKSet "" "/oauth2/v3/certs"
gasKeySet <-
case mKeySet of
Nothing -> throwM GoogleJWKSetRetrievalError
Just jwkSet -> pure jwkSet
let googleAuthSettings = GoogleAuthSettings{..}
-- NOTE: @servant-auth@ requires this, even though it should be unnecessary.
servantAuthJWTSettings <- fmap defaultJWTSettings generateKey
let ssAuthContext = Proxy :: ServerAuthContext
let ssAuthConfig =
:. servantAuthJWTSettings
:. defaultCookieSettings
:. EmptyContext
pure ServerSettings{..}
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