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Created May 10, 2010 20:02
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# The script to sync a local mirror of the Arch Linux repositories and ISOs
# Copyright (C) 2007 Woody Gilk <>
# Modifications by Dale Blount <>
# and Roman Kyrylych <>
# Licensed under the GNU GPL (version 2)
# Filesystem locations for the sync operations
# Select which repositories to sync
# Valid options are: core, extra, testing, community, iso
# Leave empty to sync a complete mirror
# SYNC_REPO=(core extra testing community iso)
# Set the rsync server to use
# Only official public mirrors are allowed to use
# Set the format of the log file name
# This example will output something like this: sync_20070201-8.log
LOG_FILE="pkgsync_$(date +%Y%m%d-%H).log"
# Do not edit the following lines, they protect the sync from running more than
# one instance at a time
if [ ! -d $SYNC_HOME ]; then
echo "$SYNC_HOME does not exist, please create it, then run this script again."
exit 1
[ -f $SYNC_LOCK ] && exit 1
touch "$SYNC_LOCK"
# End of non-editable lines
# Create the log file and insert a timestamp
echo "=============================================" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
echo ">> Starting sync on $(date --rfc-3339=seconds)" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
echo ">> ---" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
if [ -z $SYNC_REPO ]; then
# Sync a complete mirror
rsync -rptlv --delete-after --delay-updates $SYNC_SERVER "$SYNC_FILES" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
# Sync each of the repositories set in $SYNC_REPO
for repo in ${SYNC_REPO[@]}; do
repo=$(echo $repo | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
echo ">> Syncing $repo to $SYNC_FILES/$repo" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
# If you only want to mirror i686 packages, you can add
# " --exclude=os/x86_64" after "--delete-after"
# If you only want to mirror x86_64 packages, use "--exclude=os/i686"
# If you want both i686 and x86_64, leave the following line as it is
rsync -rptlv --delete-after --delay-updates $SYNC_SERVER/$repo "$SYNC_FILES" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
# Create $repo.lastsync file with timestamp like "2007-05-02 03:41:08+03:00"
# which may be useful for users to know when the repository was last updated
# date --rfc-3339=seconds > "$SYNC_FILES/$repo.lastsync"
# Sleep 5 seconds after each repository to avoid too many concurrent connections
# to rsync server if the TCP connection does not close in a timely manner
sleep 5
# Insert another timestamp and close the log file
echo ">> ---" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
echo ">> Finished sync on $(date --rfc-3339=seconds)" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
echo "=============================================" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
echo "" >> "$SYNC_LOGS/$LOG_FILE"
# Remove the lock file and exit
rm -f "$SYNC_LOCK"
exit 0
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