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# Git commands that will make your life substantially easier when navigating re-bases. These are a core part of my personal dotfiles repo.
alias up="git pull --rebase --autostash" # Pulls the latest based on the old ruby shell app for more details see
alias gcb="git checkout -b" # create a new branch
alias gcm="git commit -m" # create a new commit
alias current_branch="git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tr -d '[[:space:]]'" # shows the current branch name, used later on
# shows clear log entries between now and the parent branch
gs() {

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jkantarek on github.
  • I am jkantarek ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAETgSzwG4xjDkyqDECBPaLwizqANqwSKFZc8OCFE5sjAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

jkantarek / show_git_repos_at_date.rb
Created March 4, 2016 19:30
Get github links for all projects in a folder at a given point in time
# This script will look in all sub-directories to find any git project with a `deployed` branch
# It will print out direct links to git repositories at the provided date to help triage
# repositories at a certain point in time.
date = ARGV[0]
directories = Dir['./*']
git_projects ={|dir| Dir.exists?(dir+'/.git')}
project_to_url = {}
puts 'Building list'
git_projects.each_with_index do |proj, i|
jkantarek / tcprtemp
Created May 15, 2015 14:12
PR template
#### What's this do?
#### Why are we doing this? (w/ JIRA link if applicable)
#### Who should review this PR?
#### Anything the reviewer(s) should know to review effectively?
#### How should this be tested?
#### Dependencies for merging? Releasing to production?
#### Screenshots (if applicable)