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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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class PushReaderT a where
type PushReaderSubType a
unPushReaderT :: String -> PushReaderSubType a -> a
instance (PushReaderT b) => PushReaderT (a -> b) where
type PushReaderSubType (a -> b) = a -> PushReaderSubType b
unPushReaderT str f = unPushReaderT str . f
instance (PushReaderT a, PushReaderT b) => PushReaderT (a :<|> b) where
type PushReaderSubType (a :<|> b) = PushReaderSubType a :<|> PushReaderSubType b
unPushReaderT str (a :<|> b) = unPushReaderT str a :<|> unPushReaderT str b
instance PushReaderT (RestActionRaw a) where
type PushReaderSubType (RestActionRaw a) = RestActionLabeled a
unPushReaderT rstate x = runReaderT x rstate
type RestActionRaw = EitherT (Int, String) IO
type RestActionLabeled = ReaderT MyReader RestActionRaw
data MyReader = MyReader String
data a ::> b = a ::> b
instance ( PushReaderT (Server sublayout)
, HasServer sublayout
) => HasServer (MyReader ::> sublayout)
type Server (MyReader ::> sublayout) = MyReader ::> PushReaderSubType (Server sublayout)
route Proxy (MyReader st ::> subserver) request respond = do
route (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout) (unPushReaderT st subserver) request respond
type MyAPI = MyReader ::> Get Int
s :: PushReaderSubType (Server MyAPI)
s = MyReader "every handle is a ReaderT that gets this string" ::> something
where something :: ReaderT MyReader RestActionRaw Int
something = length <$> ask
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