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Last active November 11, 2017 06:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# make patch images.
# 2017/03/17
# todo: true_color, false_colorを指定
import subprocess
import argparse
import os
import re
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="make patch images from satellite imgase.\n" +
"%(prog)s [img_dir] [out_dir] [size] [center_lat] [center_lon]\n" +
"ex) %(prog)s /path/to/img_dir /path/to/out_dir 10 36.1 140.1")
parser.add_argument('img_dir', action='store', type=str,
help='directory where the input images are stored.')
parser.add_argument('out_dir', action='store', type=str,
help='directory whre the output images are stored.')
parser.add_argument('size', action='store', type=int,
help='radius size of the image to cut out. ')
parser.add_argument('center_lat', action='store', type=float,
help='center latitude of the image to cut out. ')
parser.add_argument('center_lon', action='store', type=float,
help='center longitude of the image to cut out. ')
args = parser.parse_args()
# set parameter
img_dir = args.img_dir
out_dir = args.out_dir
size = args.size
center_lat = args.center_lat
center_lon = args.center_lon
# get img list from img_dir
img_list = get_img_list(img_dir)
print("start making patch images ...")
for img_file in img_list:
make_patch_image(img_dir, img_file, out_dir, center_lat, center_lon, size)
print("complete process.")
def get_img_list(imgdir):
""" get tif list from imgdir.(helper functoin.)"""
imgdir_list = os.listdir(imgdir)
img_list = [f for f in imgdir_list if re.match(r'.*tif$', f)]
return img_list
def make_patch_image(img_dir, img_file, out_dir,center_lat, center_lon, size):
""" make patch image using gdal_translate command.
img_dir : img directory.
img_file: img file which you want to cut.
out_dir : save directory.
center_lat: center latitude.
centa_lon: center longitude.
size: (unit:meter)
# assume 1deg=100km; so 1m=8.33333333333333e-05
distance = one_meter * size # unit: degree
# set coordinate.
xmin = str(center_lon - distance)
xmax = str(center_lon + distance)
ymin = str(center_lat - distance)
ymax = str(center_lat + distance)
size = str(size * 2 + 1)
cut_command = ["gdalwarp", "-te",
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,
"-ts", size, size,
img_dir + "/" + img_file,
out_dir + "/" + img_file]
png_command = ["gdal_translate", "-of", "PNG",
"-b", "4", "-b", "3", "-b", "2",
out_dir + "/" + img_file,
out_dir + "/" + img_file + ".png"]
# run gdal_command
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 2017/03/17 Jin Katagi
# を呼ぶ。
# usage) $ ./
size=50 # 50m
for line in `seq 1 ${total_line}`; do
id=` head -${line} ${validation_file}| tail -1 | awk -F "," '{print $1}'`
lat=`head -${line} ${validation_file} | tail -1 | awk -F "," '{print $4}'`
lon=`head -${line} ${validation_file} | tail -1 | awk -F "," '{print $3}'`
mkdir -p ${png_dir} ${gif_dir}
int_lat=`python -c "print(int(${lat}))"`
int_lon=`python -c "print(int(${lon}))"`
# パッチ画像を作成。
# さらにpngに変換。
python3 ${AV2_dir}/N${int_lat}E${int_lon} ${png_dir} ${size} ${lat} ${lon}
# 真っ黒な画像を削除
for file in `ls ${png_dir}/*.png`; do
echo ${file}
null_or_not=`compare -metric PSNR ${file} ../null.png tmp.png 2>&1`
# nullの場合、inf
if [ "${null_or_not}" == "inf" ] ; then
rm ${file}
# gifアニメに変更
convert ${png_dir}/*.png ${gif_dir}/${id}_tmp.gif
# gifアニメを遅くする
convert -delay 50 ${gif_dir}/${id}_tmp.gif ${gif_dir}/${id}_tmp2.gif
# gif画像のサイズを3倍にし、直径10mの円を描く。
convert -resize 300% -fill none -stroke black -draw 'circle 150,150 153,150' ${gif_dir}/${id}_tmp2.gif ${gif_dir}/${id}.gif
rm ${gif_dir}/*tmp*
done # line
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