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Created October 18, 2019 19:05
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Login banco falabella
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5
from base64 import b64encode
from datetime import datetime
def find_str(cont, ini, end):
idx_ini = cont.index(ini) + len(ini)
idx_end = cont[idx_ini:].index(end) + idx_ini
return cont[idx_ini:idx_end]
except ValueError:
return ''
def glb_date():
# basado en cyberbank.getDateForGlb
# en js a veces suma enteros, y otras, concatena strings; aquí se trata de respetar eso
b =
f = b.year
for x in [b.month,, b.hour, b.minute, b.second]:
f = '{}0{}'.format(f, x) if x < 10 else (f + (str(x) if isinstance(f, str) else x))
return f
class Encrypter:
def __init__(self, public_key):
self.key =
def encrypt(self, text):
return b64encode(self.key.encrypt(text.encode('utf-8'))).decode('utf-8')
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from functions import find_str, glb_date, Encrypter
client = requests.Session()
url_form = ''
url_login = ''
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8',
'Get-Form': 'true',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
rut1 = '11.111.111-1'
rut2 = rut1.replace('.', '').replace('-', '').upper()
pswd = '112233'
def run():
print('[~] Loading login page to fetch public key...')
response = client.get(url_form)
print('[+] Login page loaded.')
html_form = response.text
public_key = find_str(html_form, 'clientFieldEncryptPublicKey\' value="', '\n" />')
if not public_key:
print('[!] Public key not found. Exiting...')
uuid1 = find_str(html_form, 'uuid" value="', '"')
if not uuid1:
print('[!] First UUID not found. Exiting...')
print('[+] First UUID:', uuid1)
data_form = {
'seleccion': 'singleSelectDynamicAuthenticationByTipoNroDocFalaSeguridad',
'uuid': uuid1,
'IDContexto': 'null'
print('[~] Fetching input form...')
rform =, data_form, headers=headers)
uuid2 = find_str(rform.text, 'name="uuid" value="', '"')
if not uuid2:
print('[!] Second UUID not found. Exiting...')
print('[+] Second UUID:', uuid2)
k = Encrypter(public_key)
print('[+] Public key initialized')
# print(public_key)
form = {
'login_textField012': k.encrypt(rut1),
'_PASSWORD_textFieldClave02': k.encrypt(pswd),
'login_textFieldOcult': k.encrypt(rut2),
# 'IDContexto': 'null',
'execute': 'actionButtonIngresarBFCH',
# 'uuid': uuid2,
# 'isLandpage': 'true',
# 'glb_date': glb_date(),
print('[~] Sending login data...')
# print(repr(form))
x =, form, headers=headers)
print('[~] Login data sent')
print('[~] Response status code:', x.status_code)
# print('[~] ----- Request headers -----')
# print(x.request.headers)
# print('[~] ----- Request content -----')
# print(x.request.body)
# print('[~] ----- Response headers -----')
# print(x.headers)
if 'exception_container' in x.text:
print('[!] There was a server side exception.')
dom = BeautifulSoup(x.content, 'html.parser')
print('[!]', dom.find(class_='exception_container_title').text.strip())
print('[!]', dom.find(class_='exception_container_msg').text.strip())
elif x.text.strip() != 'successLogin':
print('[!] Something happened')
print('[~] ----- Response content -----')
print('[+] Login successful!')
cont =
url_login, {'seleccion': 'massiveSelectCustomerOperationSeleccionConsolidadaFramework'}, headers=headers)
dom = BeautifulSoup(cont.text, 'html.parser')
print('Saldo cuenta corriente:', dom.find(attrs={'id': 'sectionAccount_repeat0_valorSaldoContable'}).text.strip())
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Process finished.')
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