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Last active November 27, 2018 02:55
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Automatically adds a rss search (horriblesubs 1080p) to qBittorrent with autodownload, using the web API
import argparse
import requests
import feedparser
import json
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, quote
from os import path, listdir, sep, mkdir
r = requests.Session()
r.cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
# this is required because qBittorrent doesn't recognize URI params like "&name=value" and stuff
bitly_token = '' # add a bitly generic token
host = '' # change
port = 8880 # change
usr = 'admin' # change
pwd = '' # change
# this will be used as a base folder, then subfolders with the search text will be created
savepath = 'D:\\Series' # change
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', help='series name', nargs='+', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--basepath', '-b', default=savepath, help='base path for downloaded files')
parser.add_argument('--host', '-H', default=host, help='qbittorrent api host')
parser.add_argument('--port', '-P', default=port, help='qbittorrent api port', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--username', '-u', default=usr, help='qbittorrent api username')
parser.add_argument('--password', '-p', default=pwd, help='qbittorrent api password')
parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', default=False, help='force creation if folder already exists', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
name = ' '.join(
dlpath = path.join(savepath, name)
if not args.force and path.exists(dlpath) and listdir(dlpath):
print('[!] Download path exists and is not empty, use --force to ignore this')
url = 'http://{}:{}/api/v2/'.format(, args.port)
### Login
login_url = '{}auth/login'.format(url)
print('[~] Loading', login_url, 'user', args.username)
x = r.get(login_url, params={'username': args.username, 'password': args.password})
if x.text.strip() != 'Ok.':
print('[!] Wrong credentials.')
print('[+]', x.text)
### Check current subscriptions
folder_exists = False
items_url = '{}rss/items'.format(url)
print('[~] Fetching current items...')
print('[~] Loading', items_url)
x = r.get(items_url).json()
if 'Anime' in x:
folder_exists = True
if name in x['Anime']:
print('[!] Item with --name already exists')
### Create Anime folder in RSS subscriptions
cfolder_url = '{}rss/addFolder'.format(url)
print('[~] Creating Anime folder...')
print('[~] Loading', cfolder_url)
x = r.get(cfolder_url, params={'path': 'Anime'})
if x.text.strip() != '':
print('[~]', x.text)
if not x.text.endswith('Anime.'):
print('[+] Created')
### Check if RSS feed subscription exists
addfeed_url = '{}rss/addFeed'.format(url)
feedurl = '{}&c=0_0&f=0&u=HorribleSubs'
feedurl = feedurl.format(quote_plus(name))
print('[~] Feed URL:', feedurl)
print('[~] Checking feed...')
rss = feedparser.parse(feedurl)
print('[~] Feed title:', rss['feed']['title'])
### Generate a Bitly link to be able to add it to qbt
bitlyurl = ''
print('[~] Creating Bitly URL')
print('[~] Loading', bitlyurl)
x ='',
headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + bitly_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
# 'domain': '',
'long_url': feedurl
bdata = x.json()
if 'message' in bdata:
print('[!] Error:', bdata['message'], bdata['description'])
print('[~] Generated url:', x.json()['link'])
### Create feed subscription
feedurl = x.json()['link']
print('[~] Adding RSS subscription...')
print('[~] Loading', addfeed_url)
x = r.get(addfeed_url, params='path=Anime{}{}&url={}'.format(sep, name, feedurl))
print('[~]', x.text.strip() or 'Added')
### Create auto-download rule
autodl_url = '{}rss/setRule'.format(url)
if not path.exists(dlpath):
print('[~] Creating auto-download rule'),
print('[~] Loading', autodl_url)
durl = autodl_url + '?ruleName={}&ruleDef={}'.format(
name, quote(json.dumps({
'enabled': True,
'savePath': dlpath,
'affectedFeeds': feedurl
x = r.get(durl)
print('[+]', x.text or 'Rule created')
print('[~] Ready')
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