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Last active May 18, 2020 21:28
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load in field goal data
all_data = pd.read_csv('candy-data.csv')
# list of independent variables in the model
vars_of_interest = ['pricepercent']
# name of dependent variable
target = 'chocolate'
my_data = all_data[[target] + vars_of_interest]
my_data = all_data.dropna()
# make a column vector numpy array for the dependent variable
y = np.array(my_data[target]).reshape((-1,1))
# make a column vector numpy array for the independent variable
X = np.array(my_data[vars_of_interest]).reshape((-1,len(vars_of_interest)))
# make a numpy array for the beta means priors
beta_priors = np.repeat(0.0, len(vars_of_interest)+1)
# make a numpy array for the beta standard deviation priors
prior_stds = np.repeat(1, len(vars_of_interest))
# make a row vector numpy array for the standard deviation of the jumper distribution
jumper_stds = np.repeat(0.1, len(vars_of_interest)+1)
# set the number of iterations to run
num_iter = 50000
# set what early portion to burn out
burn_in = 0.1
# set an alpha for the credible interval
cred_int_alpha = 0.05
# set to true to add an intercept to the data
add_intercept = True
# set the random seed
random_seed = 1
# set the decision boundary for classes
boundary = 0.5
# create an instance of the mcmc_logistic_reg
mcmc_log_mod = mcmc_logistic_reg()
# create the untrimmed distribution of beta hats
# create a distribution of beta_hats without the burn-in
# use the median of the beta hats distributions as the coefficients for prediction'median')
# create credible intervals for the
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