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Last active May 18, 2020 21:27
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class mcmc_logistic_reg:
import numpy as np
def __init__self(self):
self.raw_beta_distr = np.empty(1)
self.beta_distr = np.empty(1)
self.beta_hat = np.empty(1)
self.cred_ints = np.empty(1)
def inv_logit(self, beta, X):
# A function to undo a logit transformation. Translates log-odds to
# probabilities.
return (np.exp(np.matmul(X, beta.reshape((-1, 1)))) /
(1 + np.exp(np.matmul(X, beta.reshape((-1, 1))))))
def normal_log_prior(self, beta, prior_means, prior_stds):
# A function to calculate the log prior using a normal prior. The
# log prior is used to avoid underflow.
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
return np.sum(norm.logpdf(beta, loc=prior_means.reshape((-1, 1)),
scale=prior_stds.reshape((-1, 1))))
def log_likelihood(self, y, X, beta):
# Defines a function to calculate the log likelihood of the betas given
# the data. Uses the log likelihood instead of the normal likelihood to
# avoid underflow.
return np.sum(y * np.log(self.inv_logit(beta.reshape((-1, 1)), X)) +
def log_posterior(self, y, X, beta, prior_means, prior_sds):
# Defines a function to calculate the log posterior of the betas given
# the log likelihood and the log prior assuming it is a normal prior.
return (self.normal_log_prior(beta, prior_means, prior_stds) +
self.log_likelihood(y, X, beta))
def mcmc_solver(self,
from scipy.stats import norm
from tqdm import tqdm
# set a random seed
# add an intercept if desired
if add_intercept:
X_mod = np.append(np.ones(shape=(X.shape[0], 1)),X, 1)
X_mod = X
# creates a list of beta indexes to be looped through each iteration
beta_indexes = [k for k in range(len(beta_priors))]
# Initialize beta_hat with the priors. It will be have a number of rows
# equal to the number of beta coefficients and a number of columns
# equal to the number of iterations + 1 for the prior. Each row will
# hold values of a single coefficient. Each column is an iteration
# of the algorithm.
beta_hat = np.array(np.repeat(beta_priors, num_iter+1))
beta_hat = beta_hat.reshape((beta_priors.shape[0], num_iter+1))
# perform num_iter iterations
for i in tqdm(range(1, num_iter + 1)):
# shuffle the beta indexes so the order of the coefficients taking
# the Metropolis step is random
# perform the sampling for each beta hat sequentially
for j in beta_indexes:
# generate a proposal beta using a normal distribution and the
# beta_j
proposal_beta_j = beta_hat[j, i-1] + norm.rvs(loc=0,
# get a single vector for all the most recent betas
beta_now = beta_hat[:, i-1].reshape((-1, 1))
# copy the current beta vector and insert the proposal beta_j
# at the jth index
beta_prop = np.copy(beta_now)
beta_prop[j, 0] = proposal_beta_j
# calculate the posterior probability of the proposed beta
log_p_proposal = self.log_posterior(y, X_mod, beta_prop,
beta_now, prior_stds)
# calculate the posterior probability of the current beta
log_p_previous = self.log_posterior(y, X_mod, beta_now,
beta_now, prior_stds)
# calculate the log of the r-ratio
log_r = log_p_proposal - log_p_previous
# if r is greater than a random number from a Uniform(0, 1)
# distribution add the proposed beta_j to the list of beta_js
if np.log(np.random.random()) < log_r:
beta_hat[j, i] = proposal_beta_j
# otherwise, just add the old value
beta_hat[j, i] = beta_hat[j, i-1]
# sets the attribute raw_beta_distr to matrix of beta_hat
self.raw_beta_distr = beta_hat
def trim(self, burn_in):
# This function that trims the distribution of beta hats based on the
# burn-in rate
start = 1 + round(burn_in * self.raw_beta_distr.shape[1] - 1)
# sets the attribute beta_distr to the raw_beta_distr minus the burn-in
self.beta_distr = self.raw_beta_distr[:, start:-1]
def credible_int(self, alpha=0.05):
# Returns the 100*(1-alpha)% credible interval for each coefficient in
# a 2 by number of coefficients numpy array
from numpy import transpose, quantile
self.cred_ints = transpose(quantile(self.beta_distr,
q=(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2),
def fit(self, method = 'median'):
# Uses the distribution of betas_hat without the burn-in to either give
# the median, mean, or mode as an estimate of the beta vector
from numpy import median, mean
from scipy.stats import mode
if method == 'median':
beta_hat = median(self.beta_distr, axis=1).reshape((-1,1))
elif method == 'mean':
beta_hat = mean(self.beta_distr, axis=1).reshape((-1,1))
beta_hat = mode(self.beta_distr, axis=1)[0]
# sets the beta_hat attribute to either the median, mean, or mode
self.beta_hat = beta_hat
def predict(self, X_new, add_intercept=True, prob=True):
# Gives predictions, either in log-odds or probabilities (default)
from numpy import matmul
# add an intercept column if desired
if add_intercept:
X_mod = np.append(np.ones(shape=(X_new.shape[0], 1)),X_new, 1)
X_mod = X_new
# outputs predicted probabilities if prob == True
if prob:
predictions = self.inv_logit(self.beta_hat, X_mod)
# outputs predicted log-odds otherwise
predictions = matmul(X_mod, self.beta_hat)
# returns predictions
return predictions
def predict_class(self, X_new, add_intercept=True, boundary=0.5):
# predicts the class of the new observations based on a decision
# boundary for probability. If predicted probability > boundary, it
# belongs to class 1
from numpy import where
# predict the probabilities
preds = self.predict(X_new, add_intercept, prob=True)
# set predictions to 1 or 0 based on boundary
pred_classes = where(preds > boundary, 1, 0)
return pred_classes
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