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Last active August 24, 2021 19:53
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Installing StackRox on OCP 4.x

Installing StackRox on OCP 4.x


There are a few env variables you need to set first. Also assuming you have oc installed and you are logged in as a cluster admin. This has been tested on OCP v4.5.36 and StackRox v3.0.58.0.

export YOUR_STACKROX_PASSWORD=whateverYourPasswordIs
export STACKROX_PASSWORD=Pa22word  # used to log into your deployed stackrox instance. user is `admin` and password is this

Install CLI

  1. Download roxctl
# replace Darwin with Linux for linux
wget --http-user=$YOUR_STACKROX_USERNAME --http-password=$YOUR_STACKROX_PASSWORD

Install Central

  1. Generate Templates
roxctl central generate openshift pvc --storage-class gp2 --size 30 --enable-telemetry=false --lb-type route -p $STACKROX_PASSWORD --openshift-version 4
  1. Deploy
oc apply -R -f central-bundle/central
  1. Verify
watch oc get pod -n stackrox
  1. Set Route Var
export CENTRAL_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n stackrox -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

Install Scanner

  1. Modify Replica Count
sed -i -e 's/replicas: 3/replicas: 1/g' ./central-bundle/scanner/02-scanner-06-deployment.yaml
sed -i -e 's/minReplicas: 2/minReplicas: 1/g' central-bundle/scanner/02-scanner-08-hpa.yaml
  1. Deploy
oc apply -R -f central-bundle/scanner
  1. Verify
watch oc get pod -n stackrox

Install Sensor

  1. Generate Templates
roxctl sensor generate openshift --openshift-version 4 --central central.stackrox:443 --insecure --insecure-skip-tls-verify --name ocp --collection-method kernel-module -p $STACKROX_PASSWORD --admission-controller-listen-on-updates --admission-controller-listen-on-creates --admission-controller-scan-inline  --slim-collector=false -e $CENTRAL_ROUTE:443
  1. Deploy
  1. Verify
watch oc get pod -n stackrox


There are three major components:

  1. Central
  2. Scanner
  3. Sensor/Collector


External Resources

  1. StackRox Workshop - All the instructions here basically came from @clemenko and his workshop. Big thanks to him.
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jkeam commented Apr 12, 2021

Oh and change --central to --central central.stackrox:443. This is because you are installing to the same cluster and we can use the internal DNS. No need for the external routing of the sensor traffic.


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jkeam commented Jun 22, 2021

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jkeam commented Aug 24, 2021

Great news! Installation on OpenShift can officially be done by an operator now.

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