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Created November 29, 2020 19:39
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OpenShift 101 Workshop - Jenkins Node Pipeline BuildConfig
kind: "BuildConfig"
apiVersion: ""
name: "nodejs-sample-pipeline"
jenkinsfile: |-
// path of the template to use
def templatePath = 'nodejs-mongodb-example'
// name of the template that will be created
def templateName = 'nodejs-mongodb-example'
// NOTE, the "pipeline" directive/closure from the declarative pipeline syntax needs to include, or be nested outside,
// and "openshift" directive/closure from the OpenShift Client Plugin for Jenkins. Otherwise, the declarative pipeline engine
// will not be fully engaged.
pipeline {
agent {
node {
// spin up a node.js slave pod to run this build on
label 'nodejs'
options {
// set a timeout of 20 minutes for this pipeline
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES')
stages {
stage('preamble') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
echo "Using project: ${openshift.project()}"
stage('cleanup') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
// delete everything with this template label
openshift.selector("all", [ template : templateName ]).delete()
// delete any secrets with this template label
if (openshift.selector("secrets", templateName).exists()) {
openshift.selector("secrets", templateName).delete()
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
stage('create') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
// create a new application from the templatePath
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
stage('build') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
def builds = openshift.selector("bc", templateName).related('builds')
builds.untilEach(1) {
return (it.object().status.phase == "Complete")
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
stage('deploy') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
def rm = openshift.selector("dc", templateName).rollout()
openshift.selector("dc", templateName).related('pods').untilEach(1) {
return (it.object().status.phase == "Running")
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
stage('tag') {
steps {
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject() {
// if everything else succeeded, tag the ${templateName}:latest image as ${templateName}-staging:latest
// a pipeline build config for the staging environment can watch for the ${templateName}-staging:latest
// image to change and then deploy it to the staging environment
openshift.tag("${templateName}:latest", "${templateName}-staging:latest")
} // script
} // steps
} // stage
} // stages
} // pipeline
type: JenkinsPipeline
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