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Created October 2, 2012 22:45
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def get_addl_item_info(bcode,building,document)
# we need to have ON-ORDER records dealt with even though they don't have a barcode
if doc_on_order?(document)
return {:request_status => true, :status => "unavailable"}
if document.respond_to?(:holdings_from_solr)
unless document["item_display"].nil? or bcode.strip.blank?
return mod_item(bcode,building,document,document.holdings_from_solr[bcode.strip.to_sym]) if document.holdings_from_solr.has_key?(bcode.strip.to_sym)
def mod_item(bcode,building,document,item)
hsh = {}
return hsh if bcode.strip.blank?
if document.is_a?(SolrDocument) and document.respond_to?(:holdings_from_solr)
holdings_from_solr = document.holdings_from_solr[bcode.strip.to_sym]
hsh[:l_raw] = holdings_from_solr[:home_location] unless holdings_from_solr[:home_location].nil?
hsh[:k_raw] = holdings_from_solr[:current_location] unless holdings_from_solr[:current_location].nil?
hsh[:k] = Constants::LOCS[holdings_from_solr[:current_location]] unless holdings_from_solr[:current_location].nil?
hsh[:t] = holdings_from_solr[:type] unless holdings_from_solr[:type].nil?
if document.respond_to?(:to_marc) and document.respond_to?(:holdings_from_marc) and !document.holdings_from_marc.nil? and document.holdings_from_marc.has_key?(bcode.strip.to_sym)
if subfield.code == "o"
if subfield.value.include?(".PUBLIC.")
hsh[subfield.code.to_sym] = subfield.value.strip[8,subfield.value.length].strip
hsh[:status] = get_item_status(building,hsh) unless hsh[:l_raw].nil?
hsh[:request_status] = get_request_status(building,hsh) unless hsh[:l_raw].nil?
def get_request_status(building,hsh)
# if the type code begins w/ NH- : Request Status = FALSE
if hsh[:t] and hsh[:t].strip[0,3] == "NH-"
return false
# if the item is in a SAL(*) then do not provide a request link
if building == "SAL" or building == "SAL3" or building == "SAL Newark" or building == "Physics" or building == "Meyer"
return false
# if the item is in Green Media Microtext : Request Status = FALSE
if building == "Green" and hsh[:l_raw] and hsh[:l_raw].strip == "MEDIA-MTXT"
return false
# if the raw location code ends in -30 : Request Status = TRUE
if hsh[:l_raw] and hsh[:l_raw].strip[-3,3] == "-30"
return true
if hsh[:t] and ["REF","NONCIRC","LIBUSEONLY"].include?(hsh[:t])
return false
# if the raw home location is in the list of location codes to apply a request link to: Request Stats = TRUE
if hsh[:l_raw] and Constants::REQUEST_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw])
return true
# Stupid hack for -LOAN items that are not SEE-LOAN
if hsh[:k_raw] and hsh[:k_raw] != "SEE-LOAN" and hsh[:k_raw].strip[-5,hsh[:k_raw].strip.length] == "-LOAN"
return true
# if the raw current location is in the list of location codes to apply a request link to: Request Stats = TRUE
if hsh[:k_raw] and Constants::REQUESTABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw])
return true
# if the raw current location is in the list of unavailable current locations
if hsh[:k_raw] and Constants::UNAVAILABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw])
# commenting out unless check until we find out if the request forms application can handle SPEC in process items
return true# unless (building == "Special Collections" and (hsh[:l_raw] and hsh[:l_raw].strip[-3,3] != "-30"))
if hsh[:k_raw] and Constants::NON_REQUESTABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw])
return false
if hsh[:l_raw] and Constants::NON_REQUESTABLE_HOME_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw])
return false
def get_item_status(building,hsh)
if building == "Special Collections" or building == "Hoover Archives"
return "noncirc_page"
if building == "ARS"
return "noncirc"
if (hsh[:l_raw] and hsh[:l_raw][-3,3] == "-30")
return "page"
if building == "Meyer"
return "no_req"
if building == "Lane" or building == "Business"
return "unknown"
if building == "SAL" or building == "SAL3" or building == "SAL Newark"
return "page"
# This is for forcing current locations to be available (even if they are checked out).
# We need to also account for NONCIRC locations in this. This is really poor practice
# and really needs to be reworked when we re-code the availability stuff.
if (hsh[:k_raw] and Constants::FORCE_AVAILABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw]))
if (Constants::NON_REQUESTABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw]))
return "force_available no_req_hide"
return "force_available"
if (hsh[:k_raw] and Constants::FORCE_NONCIRC_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw]))
return "force_noncirc_page hide_date"
# Temporarily making all physics items unavailable
if building == "Physics"
return "unavailable"
if (hsh[:k_raw] and hsh[:k_raw] != "SEE-LOAN" and hsh[:k_raw].strip[-5,hsh[:k_raw].strip.length] == "-LOAN")
return "unavailable"
if Constants::UNKNOWN_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw])
return "unknown"
elsif (Constants::UNAVAILABLE_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw]) or Constants::UNAVAILABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw]))
# this is just to account for MEDIA-MTXT items that can be INPROCESS
if (building == "Green" and (hsh[:l_raw] and hsh[:l_raw] == "MEDIA-MTXT"))
return "no_req unavailable"
return "unavailable"
elsif Constants::NON_REQUESTABLE_CURRENT_LOCS.include?(hsh[:k_raw])
return "no_req_hide"
elsif Constants::NONCIRC_PAGE_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw])
return "noncirc_page"
elsif (Constants::NONCIRC_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw]) or ["REF","NONCIRC","LIBUSEONLY"].include?(hsh[:t]))
return "noncirc"
elsif Constants::PAGE_LOCS.include?(hsh[:l_raw])
return "page"
# doing this last so that items from Media are not given request links if checked out | Appending the NH- item type so that these items don't get request links if checked out.
if (building == "Green" and (hsh[:l_raw] and hsh[:l_raw] == "MEDIA-MTXT")) or (hsh[:t] and hsh[:t].strip[0,3] == "NH-")
return "no_req"
module Constants
LOCS = {"13TH-FLOOR" => "13th floor",
"15TH-FLOOR" => "15th floor",
"1ST-FLOOR" => "1st floor",
"2ND-FLOOR" => "2nd floor",
"2NDFLR-REF" => "2nd floor (Non-circulating)",
"3RD-FLOOR" => "3rd floor",
"3RDFLR-REF" => "3rd floor (Non-circulating)",
"ACAD-DATA" => "Social Sciences Data Services (SSDS)",
"ARABIC" => "Arabic",
"ARTLCKL" => "Locked Stacks, Large",
"ARTLCKL-R" => "Locked Stacks, Large (Restricted access)",
"ARTLCKM" => "Locked Stacks, Medium",
"ARTLCKM-R" => "Locked Stacks, Medium (Restricted access)",
"ARTLCKO" => "Locked Stacks, Oversize",
"ARTLCKO-R" => "Locked Stacks, Oversize (Restricted access)",
"ARTLCKS" => "Locked Stacks, Small",
"ARTLCKS-R" => "Locked Stacks, Small (Restricted access)",
"ART-LOAN" => "Art Library loan desk",
"ART-RESV" => "On Reserve at ART Library",
"ART-AT-ENG" => "Currently available at Engineering Library",
"ARTVAULT" => "Art Vault",
"ASK@EASIA" => "Check East Asia Library for holdings",
"ASK@GSB" => "Check Business Library catalog for status",
"ASK@LANE" => "Check Lane catalog for status",
"ASSMD-LOST" => "Assumed lost",
"ATLASES" => "Atlas Section",
"AT-REPAIR" => "Out for repair",
"AVAIL_SOON" => "Not available right now",
"B&F-HOLD" => "At bindery",
"BARCHAS" => "Barchas Collection (Non-circulating)",
"BASEMENT" => "Basement",
"BASEMNT" => "Basement",
"BENDER" => "Bender Room (Non-circulating)",
"BIB-INDEX" => "Bibliographies & Indexes Section",
"BILLED-OD" => "Overdue",
"BINDERY" => "At bindery",
"BIO-LOAN" => "Biology (Falconer) Loan Desk",
"BIO-RESV" => "On Reserve at FALCONER Library",
"BOX-COLL" => "Box Collection",
"BRAN-RESV" => "On Reserve at BRANNER Library",
"BRIT-DOCS" => "British Government Documents",
"CALIF-DOCS" => "California State Documents",
"CCRMA" => "Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics",
"CDL-2NDFL" => "Curriculum Development Lab",
"CDP" => "Collection Development Program",
"CDP-GER" => "Collection Development Program: Germanic Studies",
"CDP-JUDA" => "Collection Development Program: Judaica",
"CDP-LAT" => "Collection Development Program: Latin America",
"CDP-ROM" => "Collection Development Program: Romance Languages",
"CDP-SLAV" => "Collection Development Program: Slavic Studies",
#"CHECKEDOUT" => "Checked out - Due <date>",
"CHECKSHELF" => "Check shelf",
"CHE-LOAN" => "Chemistry & Chem Eng (Swain) Loan Desk",
"CHEM-RESV" => "On Reserve at SWAIN Library",
"CHINESE" => "Chinese Collection",
"CHKD-OUT-D" => "Ask at loan desk",
"COLL-WORKS" => "Storage Area: Collected Works Section",
"COMPACT" => "Compact shelving",
"COURSE-RES" => "Course Reserves",
"COURSE-VID" => "Course Videos",
"CPM-HOLDS" => "At bindery",
"CROTHERS" => "Crothers Collection",
"CURRENTPER" => "Current Periodicals",
"CURRICULUM" => "Curriculum Collection",
"CURRSTOR" => "Ask at loan desk",
"DOMESTIC" => "Domestic",
"EALSAL-CHN" => "Chinese materials in SAL 1&2",
"EALSAL-JPN" => "Japanese materials in SAL 1&2",
"EALSAL-KOR" => "Korean materials in SAL 1&2",
"EAL-SETS" => "East Asia Big Sets",
"EAL-STKS-C" => "Chinese Collection",
"EAL-STKS-J" => "Japanese Collection",
"EAL-STKS-K" => "Korean Collection",
"EAR-LOAN" => "Earth Sciences (Branner) Loan Desk",
"EARTH-RESV" => "On Reserve at BRANNER Library",
"EAS-LOAN" => "East Asia Loan Desk",
"EAS-RESV" => "East Asia Reserves",
"EDI" => "In process",
"EDU-LOAN" => "Education Loan Desk",
"EDU-RESV" => "On Reserve at EDUCATION Library",
"ENDPROCESS" => "Not available right now",
"ENGDISPLAY" => "Engineering Display (Latest 3 issues only)",
"ENG-LOAN" => "Engineering Loan Desk",
"ENG-RESV" => "On Reserve at ENGINEERING Library",
"EQUIPMENT" =>"Equipment: Ask at Desk",
"EXPEDITION" => "Expedition: Locked Stacks",
"FED-DOCS" => "US Federal Documents",
"FELTON" => "Felton Collection (Non-circulating)",
"FELTON-30" => "Felton Collection (Non-circulating)",
"FELT-STOR" => "Felton Storage (Non-circulating)",
"FOLIO" => "Folio",
"FOLIO-3RD" => "Folios on the 3rd Floor",
"FOLIO-BAS" => "Folios in the Basement",
"FOLIO-CHN" => "Chinese Folios",
"FOLIO-FLAT" => "Flat Folio",
"FOLIO-JPN" => "Japanese Folios",
"FOLIO-KOR" => "Korean Folios",
"FOREIGN" => "Foreign",
"FORN-DOCS" => "Foreign Government Documents",
"FRECOT" => "Frecot Collection (Non-circulating)",
"GADGETBAR" => "Gadget Bar",
"GOLDSTAR" => "Ask at loan desk",
"GREEN-RESV" => "Green Reserves",
"GRE-LOAN" => "Green Loan Desk",
"GSB-RESV" => "GSB Reserves",
"GUNST" => "Gunst Collection (Non-circulating)",
"GUNST-30" => "Gunst Collection (Non-circulating)",
"GUNST-STOR" => "Gunst Storage (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-ATLAS" => "HAS Atlas Collection (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-CA" => "HAS California History (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-DIGIT" => "HAS-DIGIT (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-FIC" => "HAS Fiction (Lane Room)",
"HAS-FOLIO" => "HAS Folio (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-JOURN" => "HAS Journal Collection (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-LIT" => "HAS Literary Criticism (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-NEWBK" => "HAS New Books (Lane Room)",
"HASRC" => "HASRC (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-RR" => "HAS Ready Reference (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HAS-SU" => "HAS Stanford History (Lane Room) (Non-circulating)",
"HMS-PAGE" => "In transit",
"HMS-RETURN" => "In transit",
"HOLDS" => "Ask at loan desk",
"HOO-LOAN" => "Hoover Library Loan Desk",
"HOOV-RESV" => "Hoover Reserves Desk",
"HOP-LOAN" => "Hopkins Loan Desk",
"HOP-RESV" => "Hopkins Reserves",
"HVA-LOAN" => "Hoover Archives Loan Desk",
"HV-TRANS" => "In transit",
"HY-PAGE-EA" => "Harvard-Yenching Collection",
"IC" => "InfoCenter (Non-circulating)",
"IC-ATLAS" => "InfoCenter: Atlas Shelves (Non-circulating)",
"IC-CDROM" => "InfoCenter: CD-ROMS (Non-circulating)",
"IC-DESK" => "InfoCenter: Desk (Non-circulating)",
"IC-DISPLAY" => "InfoCenter: Display",
"IC-EXHIBIT" => "InfoCenter: Exhibit",
"IC-NEWS" => "InfoCenter: Newspapers (Non-circulating)",
"IC-RREF" => "InfoCenter: Ready Reference (Non-circulating)",
"IC-STATS" => "InfoCenter: Statistics Shelves (Non-circulating)",
"ILB-LOAN" => "Borrowed through ILB",
"ILL" => "Interlibrary loan",
"ILL-OFFICE" => "Interlibrary Services Department",
"INDEXES" => "Indexes",
"INPROCESS" => "In process",
"INSHIPPING" => "In process",
"INSTRUCTOR" => "Instructor's copy",
"INTCOLLCAT" => "International College Catalogs",
"INTERNET" => "Online Resource",
"INTL-DOCS" => "International Government Documents",
"INTRANSIT" => "In transit",
"JAPANESE" => "Japanese Collection",
"KOREAN" => "Korean Collection",
"LAC" => "Out for vendor cataloging",
"LANE-RESV" => "On Reserve at LANE MEDICAL Library",
"LANG-LAB" => "Language Lab",
"LANG-RESV" => "Language Lab Reserves",
"LAW-ARCHIV" => "Law Library Archives: Ask at loan desk",
"LAW-BIND" => "At bindery",
"LAW-LOAN" => "Law Loan Desk",
"LAW-RESV" => "Law Reserves: Ask at loan desk",
"LAW-REVIEW" => "Law Review",
"LAW-SPEC" => "Law Collection (Non-circulating)",
"LCKBYTITL" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LCK-STOR" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LEWIS-COLL" => "Lewis Collection",
"LOAN-DESK" => "Held at loan desk",
"LOCK-CHN" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LOCKED-DIS" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LOCKED-MAP" => "Locked Map Files: Ask at loan desk",
"LOCKED-STK" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LOCK-HOLDS" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LOCK-JPN" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LOCK-KOR" => "Locked Stacks: Ask at loan desk",
"LOST-ASSUM" => "",
"LOST-CLAIM" => "Lost",
"LOST-PAID" => "Lost",
"L-PAGE-EA" => "Locked Stacks",
"MANNING" => "Manning Collection (Non-circulating)",
"MANUSCRIPT" => "Manuscript Collection",
"MAP-CASES" => "Map cases",
"MAP-FILE" => "Map files",
"MAP-REF" => "Reference Maps",
"MAPS" => "Maps",
"MAP-STOR" => "Map Storage: Ask at loan desk",
"MATH-RESV" => "On Reserve at Math/Stats Library",
"MAT-LOAN" => "Mathematics & Statistics Loan Desk",
"MEDIA" => "Media",
"MEDIA-30" => "Media",
"MEDIA-MTXT" => "Media-Microtext (Lower Level)",
"MEDIA-RESV" => "Media Reserves",
"MEDIAX" => "Media Collection (Restricted access)",
"MEDIAX-30" => "Media Collection",
"MEDIEVALRM" => "Medieval Studies Room (Non-circulating)",
"MEMLIBMUS" => "Memorial Library of Music (Non-circulating)",
"MEYER-RESV" => "Reserves",
"MEY-LOAN" => "Meyer Tech Desk",
"MEZZANINE" => "Mezzanine Shelving Area",
"MICROFICHE" => "Microfiche",
"MICROFILM" => "Microfilm",
"MICROTEXT" => "Microtext",
"MINIATURE" => "Miniature",
"MISSING" => "Missing",
"MISS-INPRO" => "Missing",
"MSS-10" => "Manuscript Collection",
"MSS-20" => "Manuscript Collection",
"MSS-30" => "Manuscript Collection",
"MSSX" => "Manuscript Collection: Restricted access",
"MSSX-30" => "Manuscript Collection",
"MUSIC-RESV" => "On Reserve at MUSIC Library",
"MUS-LOAN" => "Music Loan Desk",
"MUS-NOCIRC" => "Music (Non-circulating)",
"MUS-TXTBK" => "Music Class Textbook",
"ND-PAGE-EA" => "NDC Collection",
"NEWBOOKS" => "New Book Shelf",
"NEWSPAPERS" => "Newspapers",
"NEWS-STKS" => "Newspaper Stacks",
"NEWTON" => "Newton Collection (Non-circulating)",
"ON-ORDER" => "On order",
"OPEN-RES" => "Open Reserves",
"OVERSIZED" => "Oversized",
"PAGE-AR" => "Use restricted to Art Library",
"PAGE-AS" => "Use restricted to Archive of Recorded Sound",
"PAGE-BI" => "Use restricted to Falconer (Biology)",
"PAGE-CH" => "Use restricted to Swain (Chemistry)",
"PAGE-CL" => "Use restricted to Classics Library",
"PAGE-EA" => "Use restricted to East Asia Library",
"PAGE-ED" => "Use restricted to Cubberley (Education)",
"PAGE-EN" => "Use restricted to Engineering Library",
"PAGE-ES" => "Use restricted to Branner (Earth Sciences)",
"PAGE-GR" => "Use restricted to Green",
"PAGE-HA" => "Use restricted to Hoover Archives",
"PAGE-HP" => "Use restricted to Hopkins (Marine Biology)",
"PAGE-HV" => "Use restricted to Hoover Library",
"PAGE-ILL" => "Paged to Interlibrary Loan Department",
"PAGE-JA" => "Paged to Business (GSB)",
"PAGE-LN" => "Paged to Lane (Medical)",
"PAGE-LP" => "Paging restricted to Music or Green Media-Microtext",
"PAGE-LW" => "Use restricted to Lane (Law)",
"PAGE-MA" => "Use restricted to Math/Stats Library",
"PAGE-MD" => "Use restricted to Green Media-Microtext",
"PAGE-MP" => "Paging restricted to Branner (Earth Sciences)",
"PAGE-MU" => "Use restricted to Music Library",
"PAGE-MY" => "Use restricted to Meyer",
"PAGE-PH" => "Use restricted to Physics Library",
"PAGE-RLCP" => "Paged for Research Library Cooperative Program",
"PAGE-SP" => "Use restricted to Special Collections",
"PAGE-TA" => "Use restricted to Tanner (Philosophy)",
"PERM-RES" => "Permanent Reserve",
"PERSIAN" => "Persian",
"PGDFROMSAL" => "Paged from SAL to campus library",
"PHOTO-PERM" => "Ask at loan desk",
"PHY-LOAN" => "Physics Loan Desk",
"PHYS-RESV" => "On Reserve at PHYSICS Library",
"PHYSTEMP" => "Currently online only",
"PUB-TECH" => "Not available right now",
"RARE-BOOKS" => "Rare Books Collection (Non-circulating)",
"RARE-STOR" => "Rare Books Storage (Non-circulating)",
"RAUB-COLL" => "Raubitschek Collection of Papyrology and Epigraphy",
"RBC-30" => "Rare Books Collection",
"RBCX" => "Rare Books Collection: Restricted access",
"RBCX-30" => "Rare Books Collection",
"READING-RM" => "Reading Room",
"READY-REF" => "Ready Reference Shelf",
"RECORDINGS" => "Recordings",
"REF-CHN" => "Reference (Chinese) (Non-circulating)",
"REF-DESK" => "Reference Desk (Non-circulating)",
"REFERENCE" => "Reference (Non-circulating)",
"REF-JPN" => "Reference (Japanese) (Non-circulating)",
"REF-KOR" => "Reference (Korean) (Non-circulating)",
"REF-SERIAL" => "Reference Serial (Non-circulating)",
"REPAIR" => "Sent for repair",
"RESEARCH" => "Research",
"SW-RESERVE-DESK" => "Request at Loan Desk", #special internal code that SearchWorks uses for reserves.
"SW-E-RESERVE-DESK" => "Online item on course reading list", #special internal code that SearchWorks uses for reserves.
"RESERVES" => "Reserves",
"RESV-DESKS" => "Reserves",
"RET-REF" => "Retired Reference (Non-circulating)",
"R-FOLIO" => "Folio (Limited loan)",
"R-FOLIO-FL" => "Flat folio (Limited loan)",
"R-MINIATUR" => "Miniature (Limited loan)",
"ROBINSON" => "Robinson Collection (Non-circulating)",
"ROB-STOR" => "Robinson Collection Storage (Non-circulating)",
"R-STACKS" => "Stacks (Limited loan)",
"RUMSEY" => "Rumsey Collection (Non-circulating)",
"SAFETY" => "Safety Collection (Non-circulating)",
"SAL-ARABIC" => "Temporary Shelving for Arabic Materials",
"SAL-FOLIO" => "Temporary Shelving for Folio Materials",
"SAL-LOAN" => "SAL Loan Desk",
"SAL-MUSIC" => "Temporary Shelving for Music Materials",
"SAL-PAGE" => "Temporary Shelving",
"SAL-RETURN" => "Returning to SAL",
"SAL-SERG" => "Science and Engineering Shelving at SAL",
"SAL-TEMP" => "Temporary Shelving",
"SALTURKISH" => "Temporary Shelving for Turkish Materials",
"SAMSON" => "Samson Collection",
"SCBS" => "Bldg. 70, Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (Non-circulating)",
"SCORES" => "Scores",
"SEE-ARCHIV" => "Lent to Hoover Archives",
"SEE-EASTA" => "Lent to East Asia Library",
"SEE-LOAN" => "See Loan Desk for Access",
"SEE-OTHER" => "See related record(s) to request item",
"SERIALS" => "Serials",
"SHELBYSER" => "Serials",
#"SHELBYSER" => "Serials - Shelved by series title",
#"SHELBYTITL" => "Serials - Shelved by title",
"SHELBYTITL" => "Serials",
"SL3-LOAN" => "Ask at Green Loan Desk",
"SLN-LOAN" => "Ask at Green Loan Desk",
"SOUTH-MEZZ" => "Ask at loan desk",
"SPECDESK" => "Ask at Special Collections Service Desk",
"SPEC-STOR" => "Special Collections Storage",
"SPE-LOAN" => "Ask at Special Collections Service Desk",
"SSRC" => "Social Sciences Resource Center (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-ANRPT" => "SSRC Annual Reports (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-ATLAS" => "SSRC: Atlas Shelves (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-CLASS" => "Social Sciences Resource Center: Classic Texts",
"SSRC-CSLI" => "SSRC: Center for the Study of Language & Information",
"SSRC-CURR" => "SSRC: Current Awareness (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-DATA" => "Social Science Data and Software Virtual Data Collection",
"SSRC-DESK" => "Social Sciences Resource Center: Desk (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-DOCS" => "SSRC: Government Documents (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-FICHE" => "SSRC: Microfiche (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-FILM" => "SSRC: Microfilm (Non-circulating)",
"SSRC-NEWBK" => "Social Sciences Resource Center: New Books Shelf",
"SSRC-NWDOC" => "Social Sciences Resource Center: New Documents Shelf",
"SSRC-SSDS" => "Social Science Data and Software - Velma Denning Room (non-circulating)",
"STACKS" => "Stacks",
"STACKS-1" => "Stacks 1",
"STACKS-2" => "Stacks 2",
"STACKS-3" => "Stacks 3",
"STACKS-30" => "Stacks",
"STACKS-BW" => "Bound with another item",
"STAFF" => "Ask at loan desk",
"STK-NOCIRC" => "Stacks, Non-circulating item",
"STKS1-NEW" => "New Book Shelf",
"STORAGE" => "Ask at loan desk",
"STORBYTITL" => "Storage Area: Shelved by title",
"SUL-BIND" => "At bindery",
"SULBIND-WA" => "Not available right now",
"SUL-LOAN" => "Ask at loan desk",
"TAN-LOAN" => "Tanner Loan Desk",
"TANN-RESV" => "On Reserve at TANNER Library",
"TAUBE" => "Taube Collection (Non-circulating)",
"TECH-ACQ" => "In Tech Services",
"TECH-CAT" => "In Tech Services",
"TECH-CONS" => "In Tech Services",
"TECH-PROC" => "In Tech Services",
"TECH-RPTS" => "Technical Reports",
"TECH-SER" => "In Tech Services",
"TECH-SERV" => "In Tech Services",
"TEMP-LL" => "Not available right now",
"TEMP-LOC" => "Ask at loan desk",
"THEA-STOR" => "Theatre Collection Storage (Non-circulating)",
"THEATRE" => "Theatre Collection (Non-circulating)",
"THESES" => "Theses",
"TIMO-COLL" => "Timoshenko Collection (Non-circulating): Ask at loan desk",
"TINY" => "Miniature",
"TRES-LAIR" => "Tresidder LAIR",
"TURKISH" => "Turkish",
"UARCH-30" => "University Archives",
"U-ARCHIVES" => "University Archives: Request at Special Collections Desk",
"UARCH-REF" => "University Archives Reference (Non-circulating)",
"UARCH-STOR" => "University Archives Storage (Non-circulating)",
"UARCHX" => "University Archives: Restricted access",
"UARCHX-30" => "University Archives",
"UNCAT" => "Uncataloged",
"UNDERGRAD" => "Undergraduate Collection",
"US-LOCAL" => "US Local Documents",
"US-STATE" => "US State Documents",
"VARIES" => "Ask at loan desk",
"VAULT" => "Vault",
"VROOMAN" => "Vrooman Collection",
"WEST-7B" => "Ask at loan desk"}
# removing SAL-PAGE from unavailable locations per Vitus' request
"ART-RESV" => "ART",
"E-RESV" => "SW-E-RESV",
"ENG-RESV" => "ENG",
"LAW-RESV" => "LAW",
LIB_TRANSLATIONS = {#"APPLIEDPHY" => "Applied Physics Dept",
"ARS" => "ARS",
"ART" => "Art",
"BIOLOGY" => "Falconer",
"CHEMCHMENG" => "Swain",
"CLASSICS" => "Classics",
#"CPM" => "Obsolete",
"EARTH-SCI" => "Branner",
"EAST-ASIA" => "East Asia",
"EDUCATION" => "Cubberley",
"SW-E-RESV" => "eReserve", # Library does not exist, this is an internal code used for reserves.
"ENG" => "Engineering",
"GOV-DOCS" => "Government Docs",
"GREEN" => "Green",
"GRN-REF" => "Green",
"HOOVER" => "Hoover Library",
"HOPKINS" => "Hopkins",
"HV-ARCHIVE" => "Hoover Archives",
#"ILB" => "Ignore",
"LANE-MED" => "Lane",
"LAW" => "Crown (Law)",
"JACKSON" => "Business",
"MATH-CS" => "Mathematics & Statistics",
"SW-MEDIA-RESV" => "Media Microtext", # Library does not exist, this is an internal code used for reserves.
"MEYER" => "Meyer",
"MUSIC" => "Music",
"PHYSICS" => "Physics",
"SAL" => "SAL 1&2",
"SAL3" => "SAL3",
"SAL-NEWARK" => "SAL Newark",
"SPEC-COLL" => "Special Collections",
#"SPEC-DESK" => "(In-transit location for SAL paged items)",
"TANNER" => "Tanner"
#"SUL" => "Ignore"
"page" => "must be paged/requested",
"unavailable" => "unavailable",
"noncirc" => "in-library use only",
"unknown" => "status unknown",
"no_req unavailable" => "unavailable",
"noncirc_page" => "must be paged/requested for in-library use only"
def index
if request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /bot/ or request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /spider/ or request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /crawl/ or request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /teoma/
return nil
if Rails.env.production?
live_lookup_server = "jenson"
live_lookup_server = "zaph"
if params[:ids]
ids = params[:ids]
id_arr = []
if ids.length > 1
i = 0
ids.each do |l|
id_arr << "id#{i.to_s}=#{l}"
i += 1
timeout(15) do
xml ="http://#{live_lookup_server}{id_arr.join('&')}")))
rescue TimeoutError
return render(:text=>"Live lookup request timed out", :layout=>false)
xml ="http://#{live_lookup_server}{id_arr.join('&')}")))
timeout(15) do
xml ="http://#{live_lookup_server}{ids}")))
rescue TimeoutError
return render(:text=>"Live lookup request timed out", :layout=>false)
xml ="http://#{live_lookup_server}{ids}")))
holdings = {}
@text = ""
xml.elements.each('*/record') {|records|
lib = records.elements['catalog/callnum_records/library'].text
if translate_lib.has_key?(lib)
lib = translate_lib[lib]
lib = lib
# The unless section below is dealing with the Sirsi upgrade. Zaph has a version of Sirsi that uses home_location and Jenson has a version of Sirsi that uses location.
# Once the upgrade is complete to Jenson (tentatively scheduled for winter break 2010) we can just go with home_location
unless records.elements['catalog/item_record/location'].nil?
loc = records.elements['catalog/item_record/location'].text
loc = records.elements['catalog/item_record/home_location'].text
# I don't think we need to do the LOST-ASSUM thing because the items are checked out. As long as we don't specifically say that this
# location should behave differently than any other checked out item then we should be fine.
if loc == "CHECKEDOUT"# or loc == "LOST-ASSUM"
num = 0
records.elements.each('catalog/item_record/location') {|l| num += 1; num > 1 ? loc = l.text : nil }
if translate_loc.has_key?(loc)
loc = translate_loc[loc]
loc = loc
call_num = records.elements['catalog/callnum_records/item_number'].text
ckey = records.elements['catalog/catalog_key'].text
barcode = records.elements['catalog/item_record/item_id'].text
if records.elements['catalog/item_record/date_time_due'].nil? or records.elements['catalog/item_record/date_time_due'].text == "NEVER"
availability = 'Available'
due_date = ""
availability = 'Checked Out'
due_date = records.elements['catalog/item_record/date_time_due'].text
if holdings.has_key?(ckey)
if holdings[ckey].has_key?("#{lib}_#{loc}")
holdings[ckey]["#{lib}_#{loc}"] << [call_num,availability, due_date,barcode]
holdings[ckey]["#{lib}_#{loc}"] = [[call_num,availability, due_date,barcode]]
unless lib == "SUL" and loc == "Online" and call_num == "INTERNET RESOURCE"
holdings[ckey] = {"#{lib}_#{loc}" => [[call_num,availability, due_date,barcode]]}
} # each xml element
if params[:type] == 'show'
holdings.each do |ckey,lib_loc|
lib_loc.each do |loc,item_details|
item_details.each do |item_detail|
@text << "<span id='avail_#{item_detail[3]}'>"
if item_detail.include?("Checked Out")
if item_detail[2][-6,6] == ",23:59"
@text << item_detail[2].gsub(",23:59","")
@text << item_detail[2]
@text << "available"
@text << "</span>"
elsif params[:type] == 'index' or params[:type] == 'browse'
holdings.each do |ckey,lib_loc|
lib_loc.each do |loc,item_details|
item_details.each do |item_detail|
@text << "<span id='avail_#{item_detail[3]}'>"
if item_details.length > 1
# if none are available then unavailable
if !item_details.flatten.include?("Available")
@text << "unavailable"
# if none of the items are checked out
elsif !item_details.flatten.include?("Checked Out")
@text << "available"
# if neither of the above conditions are met (ie a mix of checked out and non checked out items, then its unknown
@text << "unknown"
if item_details.flatten.include?("Checked Out")
@text << "unavailable"
@text << "available"
@text << "</span>"
end # if index
render :text => @text, :layout => false
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (typeof(id_array) !== 'undefined' ) {
$.get("<%= access_data_path %>?record_id=<%= params[:id] %>&amp;type=<%= params[:action].to_s %>&amp;ids[]=" + id_array.join('&amp;ids[]='), function(data){
var $resp = $(data);
if($(this).text() == "available"){
if($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("class") != "no_req_hide"){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).addClass('item_available');
if($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).children("span.off_screen").text() == ""){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).children("span.off_screen").text("available");
if($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title") == ""){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title",'available');
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).addClass('unavailable');
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).children("span.off_screen").text("unavailable");
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title",'unavailable');
}else if (<%= page_location == 'search_results' or page_location == "browse_view" %>) {
if($(this).text() == "unknown"){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).addClass('unknown');
if($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title") == ""){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title",'status unknown');
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).addClass('unavailable');
if($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title") == ""){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title",'unavailable');
}else if (<%= page_location == 'record_view' %>) {
if(!$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).hasClass("no_req_hide") && !$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).hasClass("hide_date")){
var temp = "";
temp += "Due " + $(this).text();
if ($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("class") != "noncirc" && $("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("class") != "no_req"){
temp += " " + $("#" + $(this).attr("id") + "_req_link").html();
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).next("span.current_location").append(temp);
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).next("span.current_location").children("span.request_link").toggle();
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).addClass('unavailable');
if($("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title") == ""){
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).attr("title",'unavailable');
$("#" + $(this).attr("id")).children("span.off_screen").text("unavailable");
if($("#hopkins_page_link").length > 0){
$("#hopkins_page_link .loc_link").toggle();
$("#hopkins_page_link #hopkins_loc").toggle();
<%- callnums = get_callnum(doc) -%>
<%- mhld = doc.mhld -%>
<%- holdings_list = get_holdings_order_list(doc.mhld,callnums) -%>
<% unless callnums.empty? and (mhld.nil? or mhld.blank?) %>
<h3 class="facet_selected">At the Library<span class="toggle"></span></h3>
<%- holdings_list.each do |holding| -%>
<%- lib = holding[:library] -%>
<%- loc = holding[:location] -%>
<%- if callnums.has_key?(lib) or (!mhld.nil? and mhld.has_key?(lib)) -%>
<%- if lib == "Special Collections" -%>
<script type="text/javascript">
if($("span#__GBS_Button0").length && $("span#__GBS_Button0").next("span").attr("class") != "spec_note") {
$("span#__GBS_Button0").after("<br/><div class='spec_note' style='color:red;font-size:0.8em;text-align:center;'>Special Collections note: This scanned item is not Stanford's copy.</div>");
<%- end -%>
<%- if (callnums.has_key?(lib) and callnums[lib].has_key?(loc)) -%>
<% callnums[lib][loc].sort!{|array1,array2| array1[4]<=>array2[4] } %>
<%- item_detail = callnums[lib][loc] -%>
<ul class="show_availability">
<% if Constants::LOCS.index(loc) != "SEE-OTHER" and lib == "SAL 1&2" or lib == "SAL3" or lib == "SAL Newark" or (lib == "Hopkins" and doc['url_fulltext'].blank? and doc['url_sfx'].blank? and (marc_links.blank? or (!marc_links.blank? and marc_links[:full_text].blank?)) and callnums.keys.length == 1 and (loc == "Stacks" or loc == "In transit")) %>
<span class="library">
<%= h(lib) %>
</span> -
<span class="location" <%= lib == "Hopkins" ? "id='hopkins_page_link'" : "" %>>
<%- if loc == "Stacks" -%>
<a href="<%= generate_request_link(doc,loc,{:barcode=>item_detail.first[1],:single_item=>false}) -%>">Page for delivery<span class="off_screen"> from <%= h(lib) %></span></a>
<span class="location" id="hopkins_loc" style="display:none;"><%= loc %></span>
<%- else -%>
<%= loc %>
<%- end -%>
<% else %>
<span class="library"><%= h(lib) %></span> -
<span class="location">
<%- if lib == "Lane" -%>
<a href=";Search_Arg=SOCW+<%= callnums[lib][loc][0][1].to_s.gsub(/^L/,'') %>&amp;Search_Code=CMD*&amp;CNT=10">Check Lane catalog for status</a>
<%- elsif lib == "Business" -%>
<a href=";Search_Arg=<%= callnums[lib][loc][0][1].to_s[0,2] == 'JJ' ? callnums[lib][loc][0][1].to_s.gsub(/^JJ/,'035a+') : callnums[lib][loc][0][1].to_s.gsub(/^J/,'0359+') %>&amp;Search_Code=CMD*&amp;CNT=10">Check Business Library catalog for status</a>
<%- else -%>
<%= loc %>
<%- if lib == "Green" and loc != "Request at Loan Desk" -%>
<%= link_to("(map)", stackmap_catalog_path(doc[:id], :home_location => doc.holdings_from_solr[item_detail.first[1].to_sym][:home_location]), :class=>"lightboxLink stackmap") %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if Constants::EALSAL_LOCS.include?(Constants::LOCS.index(loc)) -%>
<a href="<%= generate_request_link(doc,Constants::LOCS.index(loc),{:barcode=>item_detail.first[1],:single_item=>false,:stupid_eal_hack=>true}) -%>">Page for delivery<span class="off_screen"> from <%= h(lib) %></span></a>
<%- elsif Constants::LOCS.index(loc) == "SSRC-DATA" -%>
<a href="<%= generate_request_link(doc,Constants::LOCS.index(loc),{:barcode=>item_detail.first[1],:single_item=>false,:ssrc_data=>true}) -%>">Request this dataset</a>
<%- end -%>
<%- end-%>
<% end %>
<%- if lib == "Special Collections" or lib == "Hoover Archives" -%>
<span class="access_note">Request at service desk</span>
<%- end -%>
<%- if ((lib == "SAL 1&2" or lib == "SAL3" or lib == "SAL Newark") and loc != "Stacks") and Constants::LOCS.index(loc) != "SEE-OTHER" -%>
<%- if Constants::LOCS.index(loc) == "L-PAGE-EA" -%>
<a class="salstacks" href="<%= generate_request_link(doc,Constants::LOCS.index(loc),{:barcode=>item_detail.first[1],:single_item=>false, :stupid_eal_hack=>true}) -%>">Page for delivery<span class="off_screen"> from <%= lib %></span></a>
<%- else -%>
<a class="salstacks" href="<%= generate_request_link(doc,loc,{:barcode=>item_detail.first[1],:single_item=>false}) -%>">Page for delivery<span class="off_screen"> from <%= lib %></span></a>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if doc.respond_to?(:mhld) and !doc.mhld.nil? and doc.mhld.has_key?(lib) and doc.mhld[lib].has_key?(loc) -%>
<div class="mhld">
<%- mhld_counter = 1 -%>
<%- doc.mhld[lib][loc].each do |comment,mhlds| -%>
<ul<%= " class='last'" if mhld_counter == doc.mhld[lib][loc].length %>>
<%= "<li>#{mhlds.first[:comment]}</li>".html_safe unless mhlds.first[:comment].blank? or mhlds.first[:comment] == :blank_comment %>
<%- mhlds.each do |current_mhld| -%>
<%= "<li><span class='mhld_label'>Library has: </span>#{current_mhld[:library_has]}</li>".html_safe unless current_mhld[:library_has].blank? %>
<%- end -%>
<%- mhlds.each do |current_mhld| -%>
<%= "<li><span class='mhld_label'>Latest: </span>#{current_mhld[:latest_received]}</li>".html_safe unless current_mhld[:latest_received].blank? %>
<%- end -%>
<%- mhld_counter += 1 -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<ol class="item_list<%= " hide-callnumbers" if item_detail.length > 3 %>">
<% item_detail.each_with_index do |cnum_bcode,ind| %>
<% addl_info = get_addl_item_info(cnum_bcode[1],lib,doc) %>
<%- if lib == "Hopkins" and (doc["url_fultext"] or doc["url_sfx"] or !marc_links.nil? or callnums.keys.length > 1) -%>
<%- request_link = "" -%>
<%- else -%>
<% request_link = "[<a href='#{generate_request_link(doc,loc,{:barcode=>cnum_bcode[1]})}'>request<span class='off_screen'> #{cnum_bcode[2]}</span></a>]".html_safe %>
<%- end -%>
<li<%= " class='hidden-callnum'" if item_detail.length > 3 and ind >= 3 %>>
<span id="avail_<%= cnum_bcode[1] %>_req_link" style="display:none;"><%= request_link %></span>
<span id="avail_<%= cnum_bcode[1] %>" class="<%= addl_info[:status] %>" <%= Constants::TRANSLATE_STATUS.has_key?(addl_info[:status]) ? "title='#{Constants::TRANSLATE_STATUS[addl_info[:status]]}'" : "" %>>
<%= cnum_bcode[2] %>
<span class="off_screen"><%= Constants::TRANSLATE_STATUS.has_key?(addl_info[:status]) ? Constants::TRANSLATE_STATUS[addl_info[:status]] : "" %></span>
<%- if (addl_info[:request_status] and addl_info[:k].nil?) -%>
<span class="request_link"><%= request_link %></span>
<%- end -%>
<span class="current_location">
<%- unless addl_info[:k].nil? -%>
<%= addl_info[:k] %>
<%- end -%>
<%- unless cnum_bcode[5].nil? %>
<span class="reserve-note"><%= "On Reserve #{cnum_bcode[5]}" %></span>
<%- end -%>
<%- if addl_info[:request_status] and !addl_info[:k].nil? -%>
<span class="request_link"><%= request_link %></span>
<%- end -%>
<%- unless addl_info[:o].nil? -%>
<span class="public_note"><%= addl_info[:o] %></span>
<%- end -%>
<% end %>
<%- if item_detail.length > 3 -%>
<%= link_to("+ show all","", :class=>"toggle-link", :style=>"display:none;") %>
<%- end -%>
<%- elsif (!mhld.nil? and mhld[lib].has_key?(loc)) -%>
<ul class="show_availability">
<span class="library"><%= h(lib) %></span> - <span class="location"><%= h(loc) %></span>
<div class="mhld">
<%- mhld_counter = 1 -%>
<%- mhld[lib][loc].each do |comment,mhlds| -%>
<ul<%= " class='last'" if mhld_counter == doc.mhld[lib][loc].length %>>
<%= "<li>#{mhlds.first[:comment]}</li>".html_safe unless mhlds.first[:comment].blank? or mhlds.first[:comment] == :blank_comment %>
<%- mhlds.each do |current_mhld| -%>
<%= "<li><span class='mhld_label'>Library has: </span>#{current_mhld[:library_has]}</li>".html_safe unless current_mhld[:library_has].blank? %>
<%- end -%>
<%- mhlds.each do |current_mhld| -%>
<%= "<li><span class='mhld_label'>Latest: </span>#{current_mhld[:latest_received]}</li>".html_safe unless current_mhld[:latest_received].blank? %>
<%- end -%>
<%- mhld_counter += 1 -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- elsif (!mhld.nil? and mhld.has_key?(lib)) -%>
<ul class="show_availability">
<span class="library"><%= h(lib) %></span> - <span class="location"><%= h(loc) %></span>
<div class="mhld">
<%- mhld_counter = 1 -%>
<%- doc.mhld[lib][loc].each do |comment,mhlds| -%>
<ul<%= " class='last'" if mhld_counter == doc.mhld[lib][loc].length %>>
<%= "<li>#{mhlds.first[:comment]}</li>".html_safe unless mhlds.first[:comment].blank? or mhlds.first[:comment] == :blank_comment %>
<%- mhlds.each do |current_mhld| -%>
<%= "<li><span class='mhld_label'>Library has: </span>#{current_mhld[:library_has]}</li>".html_safe unless current_mhld[:library_has].blank? %>
<%- end -%>
<%- mhlds.each do |current_mhld| -%>
<%= "<li><span class='mhld_label'>Latest: </span>#{current_mhld[:latest_received]}</li>".html_safe unless current_mhld[:latest_received].blank? %>
<%- end -%>
<%- mhld_counter += 1 -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% end %>
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