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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save jkeefe/9180103 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* Heartbeat Hoodie
* LED code drawn from Arduino example 01 - Blinking LED
* Heartbeat code baed on Heart Rate Badge code by
* Becky Stern for Adafruit Industries ...
* ... who based hers on sample code from
* Details on building the Heartbeat Hoodie at
* by John Keefe
* February 2014
// set up an array of the pins the LEDs use
int light[] = {A3, A4, A5, 5, 6, 9, 10, A2};
// Set the heart monitor to run on pin 2
const int HR_RX = 11;
int oldSample, sample;
boolean monitor_detected = false;
// this code runs once
void setup() {
for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
// set each LED pin as an output
pinMode(light[x], OUTPUT);
// Set the heart monitor pin to input
pinMode (HR_RX, INPUT);
// light the bottom led just to show it's on
// during setup
digitalWrite(light[0], HIGH);
// wait 5 seconds to see if there's a heart signal
// loops 500 times, with a 10ms delay
for (int x = 0; x <500; x++) {
// if there's a heartbeat detected, set the
// monitor_detected variable to true and
// bail out of the loop
if (digitalRead(HR_RX)) {
monitor_detected = true;
// otherwise set the variable to false
} else {
monitor_detected = false;
// this code repeats forever
void loop() {
// do this code if monitor_detected varialbe is true
if (monitor_detected) {
// Read the heard monitor. Will return a 1 if there's a beat
sample = digitalRead(HR_RX);
// If the sample exits and it wasn't 1 on the last loop, new heart beat detected
if (sample && (oldSample != sample)) {
// run the heartbeat function
oldSample = sample; //Store last signal received
} else {
// no monitor detected, so run the idle LED show
// this is the heart beat function
void heartBeat (){
/* light the hoodie in this pattern,
radiating from the heart
pin, order, light position on hoodie and in array
A3 4 light 7
A4 3 light 6
A5 2 light 5
5 1 light 4
6 1 light 3
7 2 light 2
10 3 light 1
A2 4 light 0
int delay_time = 25; // sets zip speed of LEDs
digitalWrite(light[4], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[5], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[2], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[4], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[3], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[6], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[1], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[5], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[2], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[7], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(light[6], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[1], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[7], LOW);
digitalWrite(light[0], LOW);
// this gets called if there's no heart beat signal
// (so default if the monitor is not in use)
void idleBounce () {
// spring the LED's into action!
for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
digitalWrite(light[y], HIGH); // turns LEDs on
delay(100); // waits for 100 milliseconds
// turn them all off in reverse order
for (int z = 0; z < 8; z++) {
digitalWrite(light[7-z], LOW); // turns LED off
delay(100); // waits for 1/10 second
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