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Last active September 6, 2017 13:30
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Migrate List-Compare from Subversion on One Machine to Git on Another

Migrate List-Compare from Subversion on One Machine to Git on Another

... and then up to!

Initial Situation

On a Mac OS X iBook G4, I had a Subversion repository with a wide variety of projects: my CPAN modules, YAPC and other conference presentations, etc. I wanted to transfer the locus of development for certain projects, beginning with my CPAN distribution List-Compare, to a newer machine running Ubuntu 14.04 Linux. I also wanted to make that development process more publicly available. That meant migrating the projects from Subversion to git, then publishing those projects at

In git, unlike CVS and Subversion, standard practice is to have one repository per project. That meant that I had to extract one project at a time from the Subversion repository on the Mac and re-store it in a git repository on the Ubuntu. This gist describes that process.

Work on the First Machine

On the basis of some Internet recommendations, I decided to create a dumpfile of the Mac's Subversion repository, then extract the commits for a given individual project into a dumpfile for that project. I would edit that project per Internet recommendations, getting a refined version of that dumpfile. To test the validity of that dumpfile, I would then create a new Subversion repository on the Mac and load it from the dumpfile. I would then do an svn checkout from that repository and verify the checkout was sound.


The first repository to be transferred was named lc, standing for List-Compare.

  • Dump the entire Subversion repository.

    svnadmin dump /path/to/repository > ~/repository-dumpfile
  • Filter the dumpfile to create a project-specific dumpfile.

    svndumpfilter include --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs lc \
      < repository-dumpfile \
      > lc-dumpfile
  • Make a gzipped backup as a precaution.

    cp -v lc-dumpfile lc-dumpfile.raw
    gzip -v lc-dumpfile.raw
    gunzip -c lc-dumpfile.raw.gz > lc-dumpfile
  • Edit the project-specific dumpfile

    vi lc-dumpfile
    1 Remove the first Node-path: block entirely.
    2 Trim lc from Node-path and Node-copyfrom-path.
    %s/Node-path: lc\//Node-path: /
    %s/Node-copyfrom-path: lc\//Node-copyfrom-path: /
    3 Save file.

    Net result should be zero output from:

    grep -n 'lc/' lc-dumpfile
  • Validate dumpfile.

    Before shipping the dumpfile to the second machine, I took the precaution of making sure that I could create a new Subversion repository from its contents.

    cd ~
    mkdir svn_transfer_repositories
    cd svn_transfer_repositories
    svnadmin create lc
    svnadmin load --ignore-uuid lc < ~/lc-dumpfile

    Further precaution: create a new checkout from the new repository.

    cd ~
    mkdir transfer_checkouts
    cd transfer_checkouts
    svn checkout file:///Users/jimk/svn_transfer_repositories/lc/trunk lc
    cd lc
    svn log | less

    If svn log looks okay, we can proceed.

  • Compress per-project dumpfile and send to second machine.

    cd ~
    gzip -v lc-dumpfile
    # scp to Linode server

Work on the Second Machine

I proceeded on the second machine as cautiously as I had on the first. I verified that I could create a new Subversion repository, populate it with the contents of the dumpfile and do an svn checkout from that repository. Only then would I proceed with a conversion from Subversion to git.


  • scp lc-dumpfile.gz from Linode server to ~/Downloads/

  • Create a new Subversion repository and load it with the dumpfile.

    cd ~
    mkdir svnrepos
    cd svnrepos

    Anticipating creating a repository named list-compare, on the second machine I began to use list-compare instead of lc as the name for a directory or repository.

    svnadmin create list-compare
    gunzip -c ~/Downloads/lc-dumpfile.gz | svnadmin load list-compare
  • Create a location on second machine for svn checkouts

    mkdir svnwork
  • Perform an svn checkout; verify its validity

    cd svnwork
    svn checkout file:///home/jkeenan/svnrepos/list-compare/trunk list-compare
    cd list-compare
    svn log |less
  • Now migrate to git.

    Note that svn2git by default places files in your current directory. But I wanted a project-specific subdirectory, so I created one.

    cd ~/gitwork
    mkdir list-compare
    cd list-compare
    svn2git file:///home/jkeenan/svnrepos/list-compare
  • Confirm validity of git repository

    git log
  • Add a remote

    git remote add origin

Initiate Repository on

I went to my account on and used the GUI interface.

I clicked on Create new repository but did not create a README or .gitignore. I already had a README in the distribution and I planned to copy and revise a .gitignore from another project already on the Ubuntu.

I saved the new, empty repository on github.

Back on the Second Machine

List-Compare was now stored in its own git repository on my Ubuntu machine. I began by editing by adding a .gitignore and adding ^.git/ to MANIFEST.SKIP to what is now the master branch. I continued by updating the distribution's $VERSION number, all release and copyright dates, and adding an item to Changes.


vi # edit files as needed
git add .gitignore MANIFEST.SKIP Changes [...]
git rm [...] # as needed

perl Makefile.PL
make manifest # then correct MANIFEST as needed
make test
make dist
mv -v List-Compare.0.39.tar.gz ~/localstorage/
# scp tarball to Linode archive
make clean

git push -u origin master

# upload to PAUSE


  • List-Compare now uses git for source control and is stored on a newer and more powerful laptop.

  • List-Compare now has a development repository at

  • List-Compare has a new version which has been archived locally and on Linode and released to CPAN.

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