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Created May 17, 2018 21:23
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tribes ChatAdmin mod
class ChatAdmin extends Gameplay.Mutator config(FireMods);
var string SelfServerPackage;
var string AnticsServerPackage;
function PreBeginPlay()
Log("[ChatAdmin] PreBeginPlay");
SelfServerPackage = "FireMods";
AnticsServerPackage = "antics_v5";
// AddServerPackage(AnticsServerPackage);
// AddServerPackage(SelfServerPackage);
function LoadCharacterController()
local Gameplay.ModeInfo MI;
foreach AllActors(class'Gameplay.ModeInfo', MI)
if (MI != None)
MI.PlayerControllerClassName = SelfServerPackage $ ".ChatAdminPlayerCharacterController";
Log("ChatAdminPlayerCharacterController player controller loaded successfully!");
class ChatAdminPlayerCharacterController extends Gameplay.PlayerCharacterController;
function printCommandForPosterity(bool isAdmin, string command) {
local string name;
if(isAdmin) {
name = "[admin|" $ PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName $ "]";
} else {
name = "[" $ PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName $ "]";
super.Say("!" $ command);
// Following does not seem to work for any other commands than admin
// Level.Game.Broadcast(self, name @ command, 'Say');
// MultiplayerGameInfo(Level.Game).Broadcast(Level.Game, name @ command, 'say');
function bool isCommandAuthorized(string command) {
if(command == "get" || command == "set") {
return false;
return true;
exec function Admin(string cmd)
local string cmdCommand;
local string cmdLower;
local string fullCmd;
fullCmd = "admin" @ cmd;
cmdLower = Locs(cmd);
cmdCommand = Left(cmdLower, InStr(cmdLower, " "));
if (isCommandAuthorized(cmdCommand) && AdminManager != None) {
Log("[ChatAdminPlayerCharacterController] Admin command executed" @ cmd);
printCommandForPosterity(true, fullCmd);
exec function AdminLogin(string usernameAndPassword) {
local string username;
username = Left(Locs(usernameAndPassword), InStr(Locs(usernameAndPassword), " "));
Log("[ChatAdminPlayerCharacterController] Adminlogin" @ PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName @ "as" @ username);
if(InStr(Locs(PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName), Locs(username)) > -1) {
exec function Name(coerce string newname) {
printCommandForPosterity(false, "name" @ newname);
exec function kickvote(string name) {
printCommandForPosterity(false, "kickvote" @ name);
exec function mapvote(string map, string gametype) {
super.mapvote(map, gametype);
printCommandForPosterity(false, "mapvote" @ map @ gametype);
exec function teamdamagevote(bool vote) {
printCommandForPosterity(false, "teamdamagevote" @ vote);
exec function tournamentvote(bool vote) {
printCommandForPosterity(false, "tournamentvote" @ vote);
defaultProperties {
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