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Last active April 6, 2018 00:51
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YAML Test Spec for Skill Sample Node.js Fact
locale: en-US
- Test: "Test launch request" # Optional info about the test
- LaunchRequest: # LaunchRequest is "reserved" - it is interpreted not as an utterance but as a LaunchRequest
- response.outputSpeech.ssml =~ "Here's your fact: *"
- response.card.title =~ "Space Facts"
- repsonse.card.content =~ "*"
- Test: "Test get new facts intent"
- "Get New Facts":
- response.outputSpeech.ssml =~ "Here's your fact: *" # =~ means a partial match - wildcard matches anything
- response.card.title == "Space Facts" # == means exact match
- response.card.content != undefined # Checks that content is specified
- Test: "Test help intent with multi-turn interaction"
- "Help":
- response.outputSpeech.ssml =~ "You can say tell me a space fact, or, you can say exit... What can I help you with?"
- response.reprompt.outputSpeech.ssml =~ "What can I help you with?"
- "Get a fact":
- response.outputSpeech.ssml =~ "Here's your fact: *"
- "Cancel":
- response.outputSpeech.ssml == "Goodbye!"
- response.shouldEndSession == true
- "Stop":
- response.outputSpeech.ssml == "Goodbye!"
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