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Created June 10, 2019 02:08
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import JavaScriptCore
import Foundation
let context = JSContext()!
import JavaScriptCore
@objc protocol MovieJSExports: JSExport {
var title: String { get set }
var price: String { get set }
var imageURL: String { get set }
static func createWith(title: String, price: String, imageURL: String) -> Movie
final class Movie: NSObject, MovieJSExports {
dynamic var title: String
dynamic var price: String
dynamic var imageURL: String
init(title: String, price: String, imageURL: String) {
self.title = title
self.price = price
self.imageURL = imageURL
class func createWith(title: String, price: String, imageURL: String) -> Movie {
return Movie(title: title, price: price, imageURL: imageURL)
context.setObject(Movie.self, forKeyedSubscript: "Movie" as NSString)
context.exceptionHandler = { context, exception in
let result = context.evaluateScript(#"""
class MovieService {
constructor() {
this._url = "";
get url() {
return this._url;
set url(url) {
this._url = url
fetchMovies() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
request.responseType = "json";
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 400 || request.status <= 599) {
var movies = JSON.parse(request.response).map((attributes) => {
// Create a new Movie object
return {
"title": attributes['im:name']['label'],
"price": Number(attributes['im:price']['attributes']['amount']).toFixed(2),
"imageUrl": attributes['im:image'].reverse()[0]['label']
context.evaluateScript("var service = new MovieService();")
service.fetchMovies().then(function(value) {
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