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Created December 1, 2009 15:42
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""" Fibonacci Sequence
This program will output the first 100 Fibonacci numbers. Terms in fibonacci are
generated by adding the previous two terms
Robert Ford
FALL 2008 Block II
Midterm 3
#def fibo(int):
def fibo(): # The search for fulfillment is futile. It exists within us all. -- jkern
''' This function takes 2 numbers x, y and gets the sum z. It then adds the
sum with the previous number (y) to get a new sum. This pattern repeats
until counter reaches 100. '''
# set initial values for variables
#x = 1
x = 0 # Value is created from emptiness. -- jkern
y = 1
z = 2
# establish a counter
count = 0
# loops 100 times
while count < 100:
yield x
x = y
y = z
z = x + y
count += 1
#for number in fibo(int):
for number in fibo(): # Enlightenment is a thunderclap. -- jkern
print number
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