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Last active December 2, 2018 17:22
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Arduino sketch for RFM69 radio - see for more information
// **********************************************************************************
// Test RFM69 Radio.
// **********************************************************************************
#include <RFM69.h> //
#include <RFM69_ATC.h> //
#include <SPI.h> // Included with Arduino IDE
#include <ArduinoJson.h> //
//#include <Adafruit_SleepyDog.h> //
// Node and network config
#define NODEID 2 // The ID of this node (must be different for every node on network)
#define NETWORKID 100 // The network ID
// Are you using the RFM69 Wing? Uncomment if you are.
//#define USING_RFM69_WING
// The transmision frequency of the baord. Change as needed.
#define FREQUENCY RF69_433MHZ //RF69_868MHZ // RF69_915MHZ
// Uncomment if this board is the RFM69HW/HCW not the RFM69W/CW
#define IS_RFM69HW_HCW
// Serial board rate - just used to print debug messages
#define SERIAL_BAUD 115200
// Board and radio specific config - You should not need to edit
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__) && defined (USING_RFM69_WING)
#define RF69_SPI_CS 10
#define RF69_RESET 11
#define RF69_IRQ_PIN 2
#define RF69_IRQ_NUM digitalPinToInterrupt(RF69_IRQ_PIN)
#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
#define RF69_RESET 4
#define RF69_SPI_CS 8
#define RF69_IRQ_PIN 7
#define RF69_IRQ_NUM 4
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0) && defined (USING_RFM69_WING)
#define RF69_RESET 11
#define RF69_SPI_CS 10
#define RF69_IRQ_PIN 6
#define RF69_IRQ_NUM digitalPinToInterrupt(RF69_IRQ_PIN)
#elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_FEATHER_M0)
#define RF69_RESET 4
#define RF69_SPI_CS 8
#define RF69_IRQ_PIN 3
#define RF69_IRQ_NUM 3
RFM69 radio(RF69_SPI_CS, RF69_IRQ_PIN, false, RF69_IRQ_NUM);
// Setup
void setup() {
// Reset the radio
// Initialize the radio
#ifdef IS_RFM69HW_HCW
radio.setHighPower(); //must include this only for RFM69HW/HCW!
// Main loop
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
const long sendInterval = 3000;
void loop() {
// Receive
if (radio.receiveDone()) {
if (Serial) Serial.println("Message received");
if (radio.ACKRequested()) { radio.sendACK(radio.SENDERID); }
// Send
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= sendInterval) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
if (Serial) Serial.println("Sending");
char payload[] = "hello from test node";
if (radio.sendWithRetry(1, payload, sizeof(payload), 3, 200)) {
if (Serial) Serial.println("ACK received");
} else {
if (Serial) Serial.println("No ACK");
// Reset the Radio
void resetRadio() {
if (Serial) Serial.print("Resetting radio...");
pinMode(RF69_RESET, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(RF69_RESET, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RF69_RESET, LOW);
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Hey thanks for your great work.
Do you have a idea what board specific config it would be for the arduino pro mini?

Thanks a lot

Best wishes

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goephs commented Aug 31, 2018

In node.ino, I'm getting this compile error for line 76:

error: invalid conversion from 'uint8_t {aka unsigned char}' to 'const void*' [-fpermissive]
if (radio.ACKRequested()) { radio.sendACK(radio.SENDERID); }

I'm sure there is an easy fix but I'm not sure where...

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Tingenek commented Dec 2, 2018

I changed mine to just radio.sendACK() which works fine

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