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Last active April 7, 2020 00:18
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Generated by XState Viz:
const calculationMachine = Machine(
id: 'calculator',
initial: 'init',
context: {
number1: '',
operand: null,
number2: '',
result: null,
states: {
init: {
on: {
target: 'waitingForInput',
actions: 'inputNumber1',
waitingForInput: {
on: {
target: 'waitingForInput',
actions: 'inputNumber1',
target: 'waitingForSecondInput',
actions: 'inputOperand',
waitingForSecondInput: {
on: {
target: 'waitingForSecondInput',
actions: 'inputNumber2',
target: 'result',
actions: 'computeResult',
result: {
type: 'final',
actions: {
inputNumber1: assign({
number1: (context, event) => context.number1 + event.value,
inputNumber2: assign({
number2: (context, event) => context.number2 + event.value,
inputOperand: assign({
operand: (context, event) => event.value,
computeResult: assign({
result: (context) => {
const a = parseInt(context.number1, 10)
const b = parseInt(context.number2, 10)
return context.operand.fn(a, b)
const fetchMachine = Machine({
id: 'root',
initial: 'init',
context: {
result: null,
states: {
init: {
invoke: {
src: calculationMachine,
onDone: {
actions: (...args) => console.log('onDone', args),
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