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Created March 27, 2010 07:01
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(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn bfs-seq [branch? children root]
"Same as tree-seq but walks the tree breadth-first instead
of depth-first."
(let [walk (fn walk [queue]
(when-let [node (peek queue)]
(cons node (walk (into (pop queue)
(when (branch? node)
(children node))))))))]
(walk (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY root))))
;; Not lazy! Just for comparing against bfs-seq.
(defn bfs-unlazy [branch? children root]
(loop [branches []
queue (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY root)]
(if-let [node (peek queue)]
(recur (conj branches node)
(into (pop queue) (children node)))
(defn bfs-file-seq [dir]
"Like file-seq but walks the file tree breadth-first instead
of depth-first"
(fn [#^ f] (.isDirectory f))
(fn [#^ d] (seq (.listFiles d)))
;; TODO: strict dot file & wildcard matching; use StringBuilder?
(defn glob->regex [s]
"Takes a glob-format string and returns a regex."
(let [stream ( s)]
(loop [i (.read stream)
re ""
curly-depth 0]
(let [c (char i)
j (.read stream)]
(= i -1) (re-pattern re)
(= c \\) (recur (.read stream) (str re c (char j)) curly-depth)
(= c \*) (recur j (str re ".*") curly-depth)
(= c \?) (recur j (str re \.) curly-depth)
(= c \{) (recur j (str re \() (inc curly-depth))
(= c \}) (recur j (str re \)) (dec curly-depth))
(and (= c \,) (< 0 curly-depth)) (recur j (str re \|) curly-depth)
(#{\. \( \) \| \+ \^ \$ \@ \%} c) (recur j (str re \\ c) curly-depth)
:else (recur j (str re c) curly-depth))))))
;; TODO: be smarter about path elements that have no patterns in them
(defn glob [pat]
"Takes a glob pattern and returns a list of files that match, recursing
as much as necessary. The current directory is assumed unless an
absolute path is given."
(let [re (glob->regex pat)
start-path (if (= \/ (first pat)) "/" ".")
levels #(count (.split #"/" %))
pat-levels (if (= start-path ".") (inc (levels pat)) (levels pat))]
(filter (fn [#^ f]
(and (= pat-levels (levels (.getPath f)))
(re-matches re (.getPath f))))
(take-while (fn [#^ f]
(>= pat-levels (levels (.getPath f))))
(bfs-file-seq ( start-path))))))
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