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Created October 26, 2012 16:24
;; depends on [org.imgscalr/imgscalr-lib "4.2"]
(ns XXX.image
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read])
(:require [ :as io])
(:import [org.imgscalr Scalr Scalr$Method Scalr$Mode]
[java.awt Image]
[java.awt.image RenderedImage BufferedImageOp]
[javax.imageio ImageIO ImageWriter ImageWriteParam IIOImage]
[ FileImageOutputStream]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn read
"Reads a BufferedImage from source, something that can be turned into
a file with"
(ImageIO/read (io/file source)))
(defn write
"Writes img, a RenderedImage, to dest, something that can be turned into
a file with
Takes the following keys as options:
:format - :gif, :jpg, :png or anything supported by ImageIO
:quality - for JPEG images, a number between 0 and 100"
[^RenderedImage img dest & {:keys [format quality] :or {format :jpg}}]
(if (or (not quality) (not (contains? #{:jpg :jpeg} format)))
(ImageIO/write img (name format) (io/file dest))
(let [iw (doto ^ImageWriter (first
(.setOutput (FileImageOutputStream. (io/file dest))))
iw-param (doto ^ImageWriteParam (.getDefaultWriteParam iw)
(.setCompressionMode ImageWriteParam/MODE_EXPLICIT)
(.setCompressionQuality (float (/ quality 100))))
iio-img (IIOImage. img nil nil)]
(.write iw nil iio-img iw-param))))
(def ^:private scalr-methods
{:auto Scalr$Method/AUTOMATIC
:balanced Scalr$Method/BALANCED
:quality Scalr$Method/QUALITY
:speed Scalr$Method/SPEED
:ultra-quality Scalr$Method/ULTRA_QUALITY})
(def ^:private scalr-fits
{:auto Scalr$Mode/AUTOMATIC
:stretch Scalr$Mode/FIT_EXACT
:height Scalr$Mode/FIT_TO_HEIGHT
:width Scalr$Mode/FIT_TO_WIDTH})
(def ^:private scalr-ops
{:brighten Scalr/OP_BRIGHTER
:darken Scalr/OP_DARKER
:grayscale Scalr/OP_GRAYSCALE
:antialias Scalr/OP_ANTIALIAS})
(defn crop
"Crops img, a BufferedImage, to the dimensions specificied by x, y, width,
and height. Returns the cropped image and does not modify img itself."
[img x y width height]
(Scalr/crop img x y width height (make-array BufferedImageOp 0)))
(defn scale
"Scales a BufferedImage and returns the result, also a BufferedImage. Leaves
the original unmodified.
Takes the following options:
:size - width/height constraint
:width - width constraint (defaults to :size)
:height - height constraint (defaults to :size)
:method - Controls the speed/quality tradeoff. Allowed values:
:auto, :speed, :balanced, :quality, or :ultra-quality
Defaults to :auto.
:fit - How an image is fit when the source and destination do not
match. Allowed values:
:auto, :stretch, :crop, :width, or :height
Defaults to :auto. If :crop is given, the image will be
cropped with center-anchoring.
:ops - collection of BufferedImageOps to apply to the final image.
The follow keywords are also valid:
:brighten, :darken, :grayscale, :antialias"
[^RenderedImage img & {:keys [size width height method fit ops]
:or {method :auto fit :auto}}]
(let [width (or width size)
height (or height size)
ops (into-array BufferedImageOp (map #(get scalr-ops % %) ops))
fit* (if (= :crop fit)
(if (< (.getWidth img) (.getHeight img))
:width :height)
scaled-img ^RenderedImage (Scalr/resize
img (scalr-methods method) (scalr-fits fit*)
width height ops)]
(if-not (= :crop fit)
(let [[x y] (if (= :width fit*)
[0 (quot (- (.getHeight scaled-img) height) 2)]
[(quot (- (.getWidth scaled-img) width) 2) 0])
cropped-img (crop scaled-img x y width height)]
(.flush ^Image scaled-img)
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