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;; * :require makes functions available with a namespace prefix.
;; * :use makes functions available without a namespace prefix
;; (i.e., refers functions to the current namespace).
;; * :import refers Java classes to the current namespace.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Restores directories from an HFS+ Time Machine backup. Time Machine
# uses hard links to directories, which Linux does not support, so we have
# to suss out the actual directory locations and contents.
# Hard-linked directories have their "link count" stat set to a number which
# corresponds to a directory in the ".HFS+ Private Directory Data"
# directory, which can be found in the root of the volume.
jkk / .vimrc
Created February 23, 2010 20:41
set noswapfile
set nowrap
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt setlocal wrap " enable wrap for textfiles
set linebreak
set number
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
(-> "" html-resource
(select {[:#main [:p (has [:b])]] [:#main [:p (right (has [:b]))]]})
(let-select [[nick] [:b]
says [:p :> (but-node #{whitespace :b [:a first-of-type]})]]
[(text nick) (apply str (texts says))]))
(comment Sample output
(["bradbeveridge: " "is Java's ZipInputStream really slow, or am I using it wrong?\n clojurebot: pastebin?\n"]
["clojurebot: " "excusez-moi\n"]
["bradbeveridge: " ""]
jkk / core.clj
Created March 4, 2010 20:29 — forked from cgrand/core.clj
(ns enlive-mw.core
(:use compojure)
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as e]))
(e/deftemplate simple-layout "enlive_mw/layout.html"
[{:keys [title ps widget]}]
#{[:title] [:h1]} (e/content title)
[:p] (e/clone-for [p ps] (e/content p))
[:#widget] (e/content widget))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn bfs-seq [branch? children root]
"Same as tree-seq but walks the tree breadth-first instead
of depth-first."
(let [walk (fn walk [queue]
(when-let [node (peek queue)]
(cons node (walk (into (pop queue)
(when (branch? node)
;; TODO: make Windows-friendly; extensive tests
(defn- glob->regex [s]
"Takes a glob-format string and returns a regex."
(let [stream ( s)]
(loop [i (.read stream)
re ""
curly-depth 0]
(let [c (char i)
(use '(clojure.contrib (str-utils :only (str-join))))
(def print-trace println) ;; rebind locally as appropriate
(defmacro trace [form]
`(let [value# ~form]
(print-trace (format "%s => %s" '~form value#))
(defn trace-seq* [name value]
(use '
;; pull in our word candidates (assumes a decent-quality list)
(def words (set (map #(.toLowerCase %) (read-lines "/Users/tin/src/clj/words.txt"))))
;; unscramble a word
(set (filter words (map (partial apply str) (permutations "rettul"))))
;; figure out the first word (four letters)
;; for minimal filesystem mocking (only listFiles and getName methods work)
(defn mock-filesystem
"Takes a tree of vectors and returns a minimal mock file/dir hierarchy"
(if (vector? file)
(let [[dir & files] file
children (into-array File (map mock-fs files))]
(proxy [File] [dir]
(listFiles [] children)))