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Last active February 28, 2023 20:23
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Bonus 1: Useful Solidity snippets - Blockchain Masterclass
## Safe division and multiplication to avoid underflow / overflow
import "";
contract MyContract {
using SafeMath for uint;
uint a;
uint b;
//Now you can do:

Test that string is empty

if(bytes(stringVar).length === 0) {...}

Concatenate 2 strings

bytes memory b;

b = abi.encodePacked("hello");
b = abi.encodePacked(b, " world");

string memory s = string(b);

Alternative method - need to compare which one is more gas efficient:

import "";

contract C {
  using strings for *;
  string public s;

  function foo(string s1, string s2) {
    s = s1.toSlice().concat(s2.toSlice());

Represent a collection of data

struct Users {
  uint id;
  string name;
User[] users;
uint nextUserId;

Return array

With ABIEncoderV2 (good for production in Solidity 0.6):

pragma experiemental ABIEncoderV2;

struct User {...}
User[] users;

function getUsers() returns (User[] memory) {
  return users;

Without ABIEncoderV2:

pragma experiemental ABIEncoderV2;

struct User {
  uint id; 
  string name
User[] users;
uint nextUserId;

function getUsers() returns (User[] memory) {
  uint[] memory userIds = new uint[](users.length);
  string[] memory userNames = new string[](users.length);
  for(uint i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
    userIds[i] = users[i].id;
    userNames[i] = users[i].name;
  return (userIds, userNames);

Removing array elements without holes:

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

contract MyContract {
  string[] public data;

  constructor() public {

  function removeNoOrder(uint index) external {
    data[index] = data[data.length - 1];

  function removeInOrder(uint index) external {
    for(uint i = index; i <  data.length - 1; i++) {
      data[i] = data[i + 1];

Represent a collection of data

//Easier to access a specific element, harder to iterate compared to array method

struct Users {
  uint id;
  string name;
mapping(uint => User) users;
uint nextUserId;

2 ways to create a struct

//Method 1

struct User {
  uint id;
  string name;
User memory user = User(1, "James");

//Method 2

User memory user = User({id: 1, name: "James"}); //parameters can be out-of-order

Struct with nested mapping

How to create a new struct and put it in a mapping of struct?

Struct User {
  uint id;
  string name;
  mapping(uint => true) isOwnerOf;
mapping(uint => users);
//cannot do this as `memory` mapping are not possible
User memory user = User(..., mapping(1 => true));
users[0] = user;

//Instead, have to leverage the fact that its possible to access any mapping entry, including non-existing one:
users[0].id = 0;
users[0].name = "James";
users[0].isOwnerOf[10] = true;

Generate a Hash:

bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(varA, varB, varC));

Generate a random number:

uint nonce;
function generateRandom(uint modulo) public returns(uint) {
  uint random = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, msg.sender, nonce))) % modulo;
  return random;
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not safe at all, use chainlink to generate random number.

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