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Last active December 15, 2015 09:29
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Non-profits for programming education and diversity
"The Ada Initiative is a non-profit organization supporting women
in open technology and culture. We educate people of all genders
on how to support women in open tech/culture through teaching
workshops, writing policies, guides, and editorials, and speaking."
"OpenHatch is a non-profit that maintains this website, organizes
outreach events to grow the open source community, and brings
diversity to programming groups."
" is a non-profit foundation dedicated to growing computer
programming education."
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"Girl Develop It is an international organization, certified by the Board of Education, that exists to provide affordable and accessible programs to women who want to learn software development through mentorship and hands-on instruction. ... We are in the final stages of completing our 501(c)(3) status through the Internal Revenue Service."

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