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Created September 27, 2011 06:42
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Seidel's Linear Programming Algorithm
#lang racket
; A non-random Racket implementation of the algorithm given in:
; Small-Dimension Linear Programming and Convex Hulls Made Easy by R. Seidel
; There are a number of other documents floating around describing it,
; including another Seidel paper. I think all of them have at least typos,
; if not conceptual errors. The pseudo code at the end of the above paper
; is, I think, the least buggy. All the λ stuff is a bit odd; they seem
; to be mixing some numerical tolerance stuff with the variable bounds?
; All the logic seems to be correct, which is the important part.
; This code isn't quite right, either. Linear programming is hard!
; - Jay Kominek, September 2011
(define vref vector-ref)
(define (vector-drop-idx vec idx)
(for/vector ([v vec]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (not (= i idx)))
(define (max-nonzero-idx vec limit)
(let-values ([(idx _)
(for/fold ([idx -1]
[max-v #f])
([v vec]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (and (< i limit) (not (= v 0))))
(if (or (< idx 0) (> v max-v))
(values i v)
(values idx max-v)))])
(if (>= idx 0)
(define (LP-base-case c l u A)
(let-values ([(high low z)
(for/fold ([high (vector-ref u 0)]
[low (vector-ref l 0)]
[z 0])
([a A])
(let ([a0 (vref a 0)])
[(> a0 0) (values (min high (/ (vref a 1) a0))
[(< a0 0) (values high
(max low (/ (vref a 1) a0))
[else (values high
(min z (vref a 1)))])))])
(if (and (>= z 0)
(> high low))
(if (>= (vref c 0) 0)
(vector high)
(vector low))
(define (LP-unconstrained-case c l u)
(for/vector ([c_i c]
[l_i l]
[u_i u])
(if (>= c_i 0) u_i l_i)))
(define (LP-inductive d c l u A)
; try throwing away a constraint and see if the solution to
; the reduced case also works for us.
(let* ([removed-constraint (car A)]
[remaining-constraints (cdr A)]
[x* (LP d c l u remaining-constraints)])
[(not x*) #f]
[(<= (for/fold ([sum 0])
([x_i x*]
[a_i removed-constraint])
(+ sum (* x_i a_i)))
(vref removed-constraint d))
; reduced solution doesn't satisfy o ur one last constraint, fixup
(LP-inductive-reduce-dimension x* d c l u removed-constraint remaining-constraints)])))
(define (LP-inductive-reduce-dimension x* d c l u A0 A)
(let ([k (max-nonzero-idx A0 d)])
(if (not k)
(let* ([f (for/vector ([i (in-naturals)]
[a_i A0]
#:when (not (= i k)))
(cond [(= i d) (vref u k)]
[else (- (/ a_i (vref A0 k)))]))]
[g (for/vector ([i (in-naturals)]
[a_i A0]
#:when (not (= i k)))
(cond [(= i d) (- (vref l k))]
[else (- (/ a_i (vref A0 k)))]))]
[Ap (for/list ([b A])
(for/vector ([b_i b]
[a_i A0]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (not (= i k)))
(- b_i (* (/ (vref b k) (vref A0 k)) a_i))))]
[cp (for/vector ([c_i c]
[a_i A0]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (not (= i k)))
(- c_i (* (/ (vref c k) (vref A0 k)) a_i)))]
[xp (LP (sub1 d)
(for/vector ([l_i l] [i (in-naturals)] #:when (not (= i k))) l_i)
(for/vector ([u_i u] [i (in-naturals)] #:when (not (= i k))) u_i)
(cons f (cons g Ap)))])
(if (not xp)
(let ([x (build-vector d (lambda (i)
(cond [(< i k) (vref xp i)]
[(= i k) 0]
[(> i k) (vref xp (sub1 i))])))])
(vector-set! x k
(/ (- (vref A0 d)
(for/fold ([sum 0])
([x_i x]
[a_i A0])
(+ sum (* a_i x_i))))
(vref A0 k)))
; entry point
; d is dimensions
; c is a vector representing the function to maximize
; l, u are vectors representing the upper and lower bounds for each dimension
; A is a list of d+1 element vectors representing the constraints
(define (LP d c l u A)
[(= d 1) (LP-base-case c l u A)]
[(= (length A) 0) (LP-unconstrained-case c l u)]
[else (LP-inductive d c l u A)]))
; random little thing i made up
(LP 2
#(-2 1)
#(-10 -10)
#( 10 10)
'(#(1 0 5.5)
#(-1 0 5)
#(0 -1 6)
#(0 1 6)
#(1 1 10)))
; sample problem from the lp_solve docs
(LP 2
#(143 60)
#(0 0)
#(10000 10000)
'(#(120 210 15000)
#(110 30 4000)
#(1 1 75)))
; is there any space inside of a cube?
(LP 3
#(1 -1 1)
#(-100 -100 -100)
#(100 100 100)
'(#( 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5)
#(-1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5)
#( 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5)
#( 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.5)
#( 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5)
#( 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.5)))
; shouldn't be feasible
(LP 3
#(1 1 1)
#(-100 -100 -100)
#(100 100 100)
'(#(-1.0 0.0 0.0 0.49)
#(1.0 0.0 0.0 -0.51)
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