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Created March 20, 2012 22:48
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Save jkominek/2142142 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Metaheuristic search procedures, a toy servlet for using the user as a comparison function, and some functions for rendering triangles into SVG
#lang web-server
; Three things happened in somewhat rapid succession:
; 1. I was playing with stateless servlets
; 2. I came across a copy of Essentials of Metaheuristics on my drive
; 3. I remembered seeing some web pages which generated abstract art
; for the user by having them choose which of a population they found
; most asthetically pleasing.
; At that point, this seemed like a great idea.
; - jay kominek
(require web-server/servlet-env)
; makes a terminate? procedure that will stop the search after count iterations
(define (make-count-terminator count)
(lambda (candidate state)
(if (null? state)
(if (> state count)
(add1 state)))))
; turn a total order expressed as less-than? into a procedure
; appropriate for choose-best. (in case you'd like the machine
; to do your comparing for you.)
(define (total-order->choose-best less-than?)
(lambda (seq)
(for/fold ([best (sequence-ref seq 0)])
([candidate (sequence-tail seq 1)])
(if (less-than? candidate best)
; A few simple metaheuristic procedures
; see Essentials of Metaheuristics by Sean Luke
(define (hill-climbing initial-candidate tweak-candidate choose-best terminate?)
(let loop ([best initial-candidate]
[termination-result (terminate? initial-candidate null)])
(if (not termination-result)
(loop (choose-best (list best (tweak-candidate best)))
(terminate? best termination-result)))))
(define (steepest-ascent-hill-climbing initial-candidate tweak-candidate choose-best copies terminate?)
(let loop ([S initial-candidate]
[termination-result (terminate? initial-candidate null)])
(if (not termination-result)
(let ([candidate-pool (for/list ([x (in-range copies)]) (tweak-candidate S))])
(loop (choose-best (cons S candidate-pool))
(terminate? S termination-result))))))
; has a builtin termination when t ≤ 0
(define (simulated-annealing initial-candidate tweak-candidate choose-best initial-t t-decrement)
(define best initial-candidate)
(let loop ([S initial-candidate]
[best initial-candidate]
[t initial-t])
(if (<= t 0)
(let* ([R (tweak-candidate S)]
[new-S (if (< (random) (exp (/ t)))
(choose-best (list S R)))])
(loop new-S
(if (equal? best new-S)
(choose-best (list best new-S)))
(- t t-decrement))))))
;;; some stuff for svg images made of random triangles
; colors are 3 elt vectors
(define (random-color)
(vector (random) (random) (random)))
; triangles are 4 elt lists, first elt is a color, remaining are 2 elt vectors
(define (random-triangle)
(cons (random-color)
(list (vector (random) (random))
(vector (random) (random))
(vector (random) (random)))))
(define (random-triangle-list)
(for/list ([x (in-range 3 (+ 4 (random 10)))])
(define (triangle->svg-polygon triangle)
`(polygon ([points ,(string-join (map (lambda (p) (format "~a,~a" (vector-ref p 0) (vector-ref p 1)))
(cdr triangle))
" ")]
[style ,(let ([color (car triangle)])
(format "fill:rgb(~a,~a,~a);fill-opacity:0.25;stroke-width:0"
(inexact->exact (round (* 255 (vector-ref color 0))))
(inexact->exact (round (* 255 (vector-ref color 1))))
(inexact->exact (round (* 255 (vector-ref color 2))))))])))
(define (triangle-list->svg triangle-list)
`(svg ([xmlns ""]
[version "1.1"]
[height "128px"] [width "128px"]
[viewBox "0 0 1 1"])
,@(map triangle->svg-polygon triangle-list)))
; just smoosh the values around while keeping them clipped to [0.0,1.0]
(define (tweak-vector vec)
(vector-map (lambda (v) (min 1.0 (max 0.0 (+ v (/ (- (random) 0.5) 3.333))))) vec))
(define (tweak-triangle t)
(map tweak-vector t))
(define (tweak-triangle-list t-list)
(if (< (random) 0.25)
(if (> (random) 0.5)
(cons (random-triangle)
(map tweak-triangle t-list))
(let ([victim (random (length t-list))])
(append (take t-list victim) (drop t-list (add1 victim)))))
(map tweak-triangle t-list)))
; given a procedure which renders the values under consideration as xexpr,
; determines the best option out of a sequence by asking a user.
(define (web-picker thing->xexpr)
(lambda (seq)
(lambda (embed-url)
(body (h2 "Pick the best one")
,@(for/list ([n seq])
`(li (a ([href ,(embed-url (lambda (req) n))])
,(thing->xexpr n))))))))))))
; servlet which sets up the search
(define (start req)
`(html (body "The best image is: "
(steepest-ascent-hill-climbing (random-triangle-list)
(web-picker triangle-list->svg)
(make-count-terminator 100)))))))
(serve/servlet start #:stateless? #t)
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