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Created June 15, 2015 23:20
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Asterisk Manager Interface for Racket
#lang racket/base
(require racket/tcp racket/async-channel racket/match racket/function)
(define-struct ami [input-port
output-port thread
[dead? #:mutable]]
#:property prop:evt (struct-field-index event-channel))
(define-struct ami-message [name fields])
(define-struct (ami-response ami-message) [] #:transparent)
(define-struct (ami-event ami-message) [] #:transparent)
(define (read-message port)
(define pat #px"([^:]+):\\s*(.*)$")
(regexp pat (list _ type name))
(read-line port 'any))
(define fields (make-hash))
(for ([l (in-port (lambda (p) (read-line p 'any)) port)]
#:break (= 0 (string-length l)))
(match l
[(regexp pat (list _ key value))
(hash-set! fields key value)]))
((if (equal? type "Event")
(string->symbol name) fields))
(define (ami-connect host port username password)
(in out)
(tcp-connect host port))
(define banner (read-line in))
(when (not (regexp-match #px"Asterisk Call Manager/\\d.\\d" banner))
(error "Server banner mismatch"))
(format "Action: Login\nUsername: ~a\nSecret: ~a\n\n" username password)
(flush-output out)
(read-message in)
(define request-channel (make-channel))
(define response-channel (make-channel))
(define event-channel (make-async-channel))
(define holder (box #f))
(define t
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:network?
(λ (e)
(define conn (unbox holder))
(set-ami-dead?! conn #t)
(async-channel-put (ami-event-channel conn) eof)
(channel-put (ami-response-channel conn) eof))])
(for ([_ (in-cycle '(#t))])
(define evt (sync request-channel in))
[(input-port? evt)
(let ([m (read-message evt)])
(if (ami-response? m)
(channel-put response-channel m)
(async-channel-put event-channel m)))]
[(string? evt)
(write-string evt out)
(flush-output out)]
(error "wtf?")]))))))
(define conn (make-ami in out t request-channel response-channel event-channel #f))
(set-box! holder conn)
(define ami-action
(lambda (keywords values conn action)
(when (ami-dead? conn)
(error "network error"))
(define outstr (open-output-string))
(parameterize ([current-output-port outstr])
(write-string (format "Action: ~a~n" action))
(for ([k keywords]
[v values])
(write-string (format "~a: ~a~n" (keyword->string k) v)))
(write-string "\n"))
(channel-put (ami-request-channel conn) (get-output-string outstr))
(let ([v (channel-get (ami-response-channel conn))])
(if (eof-object? v)
(error "network error")
(define conn (ami-connect "host" 5038 "user" "secret"))
(sync conn)
(define r (ami-action conn 'ParkedCalls #:ActionID "smoo"))
(printf "~a~n~a~n" (ami-message-name r) (ami-message-fields r))
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