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Last active December 15, 2023 18:50
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coverlet coverage fsc script using fli, creates a report and shows it in browser
#r "nuget: Fli"
open Fli
open System
open System
let isHelpRequested = fsi.CommandLineArgs |> Seq.contains "--h"
let usageStr =
dotnet fsi cover.fsx <extra options>
--h: help/usage
--threshold : 80 [ code coverage % ]
--show: display coverage report in html output in browser
--onlyReport: do collect coverage, use existing file
--noReport: do not create a report
if isHelpRequested then
printfn $"{usageStr}"
exit 0
// arguments skip name of the script (arg0)
let args =
|> Array.toList
|> List.skip 1
let srcDir = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
let coverageFormat = "lcov"
// TODO: can just add this to csproj level - <AssemblyAttribute Include="System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute" />
let coverletAssemblyFilters =
|> String.concat "?%2c"
|> fun s -> $"\"{s}\""
let threshold =
match args with
|"--threshold"::t::[] -> (int)t |> Some
|_ -> None
// DOC:
let onlyReport =
args |> Seq.contains "--onlyReport"
let noReport =
args |> Seq.contains "--noReport"
if onlyReport |> not then
let coverlet =
cli {
Exec "dotnet"
Arguments [
match threshold with
|Some(t) ->
|None -> ()
coverlet |> Command.toString |> printfn "COVERAGE> %s"
|> Command.execute
|> Output.printText
if noReport |> not then
let reportGenerator =
cli {
Exec "dotnet"
Arguments [
reportGenerator |> Command.toString |> printfn "REPORT> %s"
|> Command.execute
|> Output.printText
let showReport = args |> Seq.contains "--show"
if showReport then
let isWindows =
Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Windows", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
let openBrowser =
if isWindows then
cli {
Exec openBrowser
Arguments [
|> Command.execute
|> Output.printError
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