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Last active May 5, 2021 13:35
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Mutating FSharp.Data JsonProvider types
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json"
open System
open System.Reflection
open FSharp.Data
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open System.Linq.Expressions
open FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Collections.Generic
open FSharp.Data.Runtime.BaseTypes
open Newtonsoft.Json
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
type JToken with
member this.JsonValue() =
this.ToString() |> JsonValue.Parse
type JToken with
member this.With (mutatorFunc: JToken -> 'a) =
this |> fun y -> mutatorFunc(y) |> ignore; y
type JsonValue with
member this.JToken() =
|> JToken.Parse
type JsonValue with
member this.ToJsonDocument() =
type JsonValue with
member this.With (mutatorFunc: JToken -> 'a) =
let getLR expr =
let rec getLeftRight (expr : Expression) r =
match expr with
| :? MethodCallExpression as mc when mc.Arguments.Count > 0 ->
getLeftRight (mc.Arguments.[0]) r
| :? LambdaExpression as l ->
getLeftRight l.Body r
| :? BinaryExpression as be ->
getLeftRight be.Right [be.Left; be.Right]
|_ -> r
getLeftRight expr []
let inline UpdateLeaf<'a when 'a :> IJsonDocument> (updateAction: Expr<('a -> bool)>) (jsonValue: JsonValue) =
let expression =
|> LeafExpressionConverter.QuotationToExpression
let binomialResult =
|> getLR
// todo if not primitive, turn to JToken
let jtoken =
match binomialResult with
[l;r] ->
let t = r.Type.Name.ToLower()
match t with
| "jsonvalue" ->
let lambda = r.Reduce()
let r = Expression.Lambda(lambda).Compile().DynamicInvoke()
(r :?> JsonValue).JToken()
| "ijsondocument" ->
let lambda = r.Reduce()
let r = Expression.Lambda(lambda).Compile().DynamicInvoke()
(r :?> IJsonDocument).JsonValue.JToken()
| "ijsondocument[]" ->
let lambda = r.Reduce()
let r = Expression.Lambda(lambda).Compile().DynamicInvoke()
let stringList =
(r :?> IJsonDocument[])
|> (fun x -> x.JsonValue.JToken())
let jarrayString = String.Join(",", stringList)
|> JArray.Parse
:> JToken
|_ ->
let tOption = typeof<option<_>>.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
let lambda = r.Reduce()
let r = Expression.Lambda(lambda).Compile().DynamicInvoke()
match r with
| null -> JValue.CreateNull() :> JToken
|_ as o when r.GetType().IsGenericType && r.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() = tOption ->
let strOption = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o)
let opt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Option<Object>>(strOption)
JValue(opt.Value) :> JToken
with _ ->
JValue.CreateNull() :> JToken
|_ -> JValue(r) :> JToken
let left =
match binomialResult with
|[l;r] -> l
|_ -> expression
let cleanedStr = Regex.Replace(left.ToString(), @"\t|\n|\r", "")
let invertedCalls =
Regex.Matches(cleanedStr, "\,\s+(?<Prop>(\")?(\w|\$)+(?<IsDigit>\")?)\)")
|> (fun m -> (m.Groups.["Prop"].Value.Replace("\"",""), String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups.["IsDigit"].Value)))
|> Seq.fold (fun acc next ->
let prop,isDigit = next
match isDigit with
|true ->
let q = acc |> Seq.ofList |> Queue
let p = q.Dequeue()
$"{p}.[{prop}]" :: (q |> List.ofSeq)
|false ->
prop :: acc
) []
let key = invertedCalls.[0]
let jsonPath = System.String.Join(".", invertedCalls |> Seq.skip 1 |> Seq.rev)
jsonValue.With(fun x -> x.SelectToken(jsonPath).[key] <- jtoken)
let inline Change<'a when 'a :> IJsonDocument>(updateAction: Expr<('a -> bool)>) (jsonDocument : 'a) =
UpdateLeaf updateAction jsonDocument.JsonValue
|> fun x -> JsonDocument.Create(x,"") :?> 'a
type ExtensionMethod() =
static member inline Change<'a when 'a :> IJsonDocument>(this: 'a, updateAction: Expr<('a -> bool)>) =
|> UpdateLeaf updateAction
|> fun x -> JsonDocument.Create(x,"") :?> 'a
let json =
{ "object" : {
"nested" : 1,
"unknown" : null,
"second" : {
"name" : "john",
"third" : [
"date" : "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"guid" : "ad8d6b87-833f-4b6e-98bc-52b1cfbc814e"
type NestedProvider = JsonProvider<json>
let t = NestedProvider.GetSample()
t.Change(<@ fun x -> x.Object.Second.Name = "hi"@>)
t.Change(<@ fun x ->
x.Object.Second = NestedProvider.Second("wacko",
[| NestedProvider.Third("he") ; NestedProvider.Third("ho") |])@>)
let testMe x =
$"HELLO {x + 5}"
|> Change <@ fun x -> x.Object.Date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow @>
|> Change <@ fun x -> x.Object.Guid = Guid.NewGuid() @>
|> Change <@ fun x -> x.Object.Unknown.JsonValue = JsonValue.String($"{Guid.NewGuid()}") @>
|> Change <@ fun x -> x.Object.Second.Third = [| NestedProvider.Third($"{testMe 4}") |] @>
// type Json =
// | JObj of Json seq
// | JProp of string * Json
// | JArr of Json seq
// | JVal of obj
// let (!!) (o: obj) = JVal o
// let rec toJson2 = function
// | JVal v -> new JValue(v) :> JToken
// | JProp(name, (JProp(_) as v)) -> new JProperty(name, new JObject(toJson2 v)) :> JToken
// | JProp(name, v) -> new JProperty(name, toJson2 v) :> JToken
// | JArr items -> new JArray(items |> toJson2) :> JToken
// | JObj props -> new JObject(props |> toJson2) :> JToken
// let rec toJson = function
// | JsonValue.String v -> JVal v
// | JsonValue.Number v -> JVal v
// | JsonValue.Float v -> JVal v
// | JsonValue.Boolean v -> JVal v
// | JsonValue.Null -> JVal "null"
// | JsonValue.Array items -> JArr(items |> toJson)
// | JsonValue.Record props -> JObj(props |> (fun (k,v) -> JProp(k,(toJson v))))
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