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Last active February 18, 2023 18:33
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Kinesis Advantage 2 remapping

This is so I remember this in a year when I accidentally reset my keyboard again.

  1. Set it to Mac mode: progm + F5.
  2. Remap Home to Ctrl: progm + F12, then Ctrl, then Home.
  3. Remap End to Esc: progm + F12, then Esc, then End.
  4. Toggle off key clicks: progm + F8.
  5. Toggle off action tones: progm + shift + F8.
  6. In Mac System Preferences, don't change modifiers, but set Use F1, F2 etc as standard function keys.

progm + Esc to see result:

Model> Advantage2
Firmware> (4MB), 11/14/2017
Active layout file> qwerty.txt
Thumb keys mode> mac
Macro play speed> off=0, slow=1, normal=3, fast=9> 9
Status report play speed> off=0, slow=1, normal=3, fast=4> 3
Keyclick status> off
Toggle tone status> off
Stored macros> 0
Keys remapped> 14
Power user mode> on

Note: When you map a key, the lights will flash fast. Select the source, then the lights flash slow. Then select the destination. If you are mapping a key that's already mapped by the thumb key mode, you have to select the original key, not the mapped one. So Mac thumb mode changes the upper left Ctrl to Cmd. You need to use that key (which is now a Cmd) as source instead of the key that is now the Ctrl.

Advantage MPC/USB (aka Advantage 1):

  • Turn off beeps with progm + -.
  • Turn off click with **progm + **.
  • The status thing above doesn't work.
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