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Last active August 29, 2021 00:17
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php8.0 - print text to arbitrary place on the terminal with colour
class Screen {
public function __construct() {
$this->fgColour = 'white';
$this->bgColour = 'black';
public function clear(): void {
echo "\033[2J"; // clear screen
$this->x = 0;
$this->y = 0;
public function print(string $string, ?int $x = null, ?int $y = null, $fgColour = 'white', $bgColour = 'black'): void {
static $fgColours = [
'black' => '0;30',
'red' => '0;31',
'green' => '0;32',
'brown' => '0;33',
'blue' => '0;34',
'purple' => '0;35',
'cyan' => '0;36',
'light-gray' => '0;37',
'dark-gray' => '1;30',
'light-red' => '1;31',
'light-green' => '1;32',
'yellow' => '1;33',
'light-blue' => '1;34',
'light-purple' => '1;35',
'light-cyan' => '1;36',
'white' => '1;37',
static $bgColours = [
'black' => '40',
'red' => '41',
'green' => '42',
'brown' => '43',
'blue' => '44',
'purple' => '45',
'cyan' => '46',
'white' => '47',
$width = exec('tput cols'); // width of terminal
// avoid printing funky characters
$string = str_replace("\n", '', $string);
$string = str_replace("\r", '', $string);
$string = str_replace("\t", '', $string);
// move cursor if needed
if ($x !== null || $y !== null) {
$this->x = $x ?? $this->x;
$this->y = $y ?? $this->y;
echo "\033[" . ($this->y + 1) . ';' . ($this->x + 1) . 'H';
// change foreground colour if needed
if ($fgColour != $this->fgColour) {
$this->fgColour = $fgColour;
echo "\033[" . ($fgColours[$fgColour] ?? '0;37') . 'm';
// change background colour of needed
if ($bgColour != $this->bgColour) {
$this->bgColour = $bgColour;
echo "\033[" . ($bgColours[$bgColour] ?? '40') . 'm';
echo $string;
$this->x += strlen($string);
$this->y += floor($this->x / $width);
$this->x = $this->x % $width;
public function printNewLine(): void {
echo "\n";
$height = exec('tput lines');
$this->x = 0;
$this->y = min($this->y++, $height - 1);
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