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Last active November 21, 2023 02:26
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  • Save jkoppel/215d60b223e7e268c50425f7cf7f7b21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
import {SafeTransferLib} from "solmate/utils/SafeTransferLib.sol";
import {ERC20} from "solmate/tokens/ERC20.sol";
import {Clone} from "clones/Clone.sol";
import {IDelegate} from "interfaces/IDelegate.sol";
import {CoolerFactory} from "src/CoolerFactory.sol";
import {CoolerCallback} from "src/CoolerCallback.sol";
/// @title Cooler Loans.
/// @notice A Cooler is a smart contract escrow that facilitates fixed-duration, peer-to-peer
/// loans for a user-defined debt-collateral pair.
/// @dev This contract uses Clones (
/// to save gas on deployment.
contract Cooler is Clone {
using SafeTransferLib for ERC20;
// --- ERRORS ----------------------------------------------------
error OnlyApproved();
error Deactivated();
error Default();
error NoDefault();
error NotRollable();
error ZeroCollateralReturned();
error NotCoolerCallback();
// --- DATA STRUCTURES -------------------------------------------
/// @notice A loan begins with a borrow request.
struct Request {
uint256 amount; // Amount to be borrowed.
uint256 interest; // Annualized percentage to be paid as interest.
uint256 loanToCollateral; // Requested loan-to-collateral ratio.
uint256 duration; // Time to repay the loan before it defaults.
bool active; // Any lender can clear an active loan request.
/// @notice A request is converted to a loan when a lender clears it.
struct Loan {
Request request; // Loan terms specified in the request.
uint256 amount; // Amount of debt owed to the lender.
uint256 unclaimed; // Amount of debt tokens repaid but unclaimed.
uint256 collateral; // Amount of collateral pledged.
uint256 expiry; // Time when the loan defaults.
address lender; // Lender's address.
bool repayDirect; // If this is false, repaid tokens must be claimed by lender.
bool callback; // If this is true, the lender must inherit CoolerCallback.
// --- IMMUTABLES ------------------------------------------------
// This makes the code look prettier.
uint256 private constant DECIMALS_INTEREST = 1e18;
/// @notice This address owns the collateral in escrow.
function owner() public pure returns (address _owner) {
return _getArgAddress(0x0);
/// @notice This token is borrowed against.
function collateral() public pure returns (ERC20 _collateral) {
return ERC20(_getArgAddress(0x14));
/// @notice This token is lent.
function debt() public pure returns (ERC20 _debt) {
return ERC20(_getArgAddress(0x28));
/// @notice This contract created the Cooler
function factory() public pure returns (CoolerFactory _factory) {
return CoolerFactory(_getArgAddress(0x3c));
// --- STATE VARIABLES -------------------------------------------
/// @notice Arrays stores all the loan requests.
Request[] public requests;
/// @notice Arrays stores all the granted loans.
Loan[] public loans;
/// @notice Facilitates transfer of lender ownership to new addresses
mapping(uint256 => address) public approvals;
************************** Borrower **************************************
***************** Requests
/// @notice Request a loan with given parameters.
/// Collateral is taken at time of request.
/// @param amount_ of debt tokens to borrow.
/// @param interest_ to pay (annualized % of 'amount_'). Expressed in DECIMALS_INTEREST.
/// @param loanToCollateral_ debt tokens per collateral token pledged. Expressed in 10**debt().decimals().
/// @param duration_ of loan tenure in seconds.
/// @return reqID of the created request. Equivalent to the index of request in requests[].
function requestLoan(
uint256 amount_,
uint256 interest_,
uint256 loanToCollateral_,
uint256 duration_
) external returns (uint256 reqID) {
reqID = requests.length;
amount: amount_,
interest: interest_,
loanToCollateral: loanToCollateral_,
duration: duration_,
active: true
// The collateral is taken upfront. Will be escrowed
// until the loan is repaid or defaulted.
collateralFor(amount_, loanToCollateral_)
// Log the event.
factory().newEvent(reqID, CoolerFactory.Events.RequestLoan, 0);
/// @notice Cancel a loan request and get the collateral back.
/// @param reqID_ index of request in requests[].
function rescindRequest(uint256 reqID_) external {
if (msg.sender != owner()) revert OnlyApproved();
Request storage req = requests[reqID_];
if (! revert Deactivated();
// Update storage and send collateral back to the owner. = false;
collateral().safeTransfer(owner(), collateralFor(req.amount, req.loanToCollateral));
// Log the event.
factory().newEvent(reqID_, CoolerFactory.Events.RescindRequest, 0);
***************** Repayment and rolling
/// @notice Repay a loan to get the collateral back.
/// @dev Despite a malicious lender could reenter with the callback, the
/// usage of `msg.sender` prevents any economical benefit to the
/// attacker, since they would be repaying the loan themselves.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[]
/// @param repaid_ debt tokens to be repaid.
/// @return collateral given back to the borrower.
function repayLoan(uint256 loanID_, uint256 repaid_) external returns (uint256) {
Loan memory loan = loans[loanID_];
if (block.timestamp > loan.expiry) revert Default();
if (repaid_ > loan.amount) repaid_ = loan.amount;
uint256 decollateralized = (loan.collateral * repaid_) / loan.amount;
if (decollateralized == 0) revert ZeroCollateralReturned();
// Update loan memory.
loan.amount -= repaid_;
loan.collateral -= decollateralized;
address repayTo;
// Check whether repayment needs to be manually claimed or not.
if (loan.repayDirect) {
repayTo = loan.lender;
} else {
repayTo = address(this);
loan.unclaimed += repaid_;
// Save updated loan info in storage.
loans[loanID_] = loan;
// Transfer repaid debt back to the lender and (de)collateral back to the owner.
debt().safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, repayTo, repaid_);
collateral().safeTransfer(owner(), decollateralized);
// Log the event.
factory().newEvent(loanID_, CoolerFactory.Events.RepayLoan, repaid_);
// If necessary, trigger lender callback.
if (loan.callback) CoolerCallback(loan.lender).onRepay(loanID_, repaid_);
return decollateralized;
/// @notice Roll a loan over with new terms.
/// provideNewTermsForRoll must have been called beforehand by the lender.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
function rollLoan(uint256 loanID_) external {
Loan memory loan = loans[loanID_];
if (block.timestamp > loan.expiry) revert Default();
if (! revert NotRollable();
// Check whether rolling the loan requires pledging more collateral or not (if there was a previous repayment).
uint256 newCollateral = newCollateralFor(loanID_);
uint256 newDebt = interestFor(loan.amount, loan.request.interest, loan.request.duration);
// Update memory accordingly.
loan.amount += newDebt;
loan.collateral += newCollateral;
loan.expiry += loan.request.duration; = false;
// Save updated loan info in storage.
loans[loanID_] = loan;
if (newCollateral > 0) {
collateral().safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), newCollateral);
// If necessary, trigger lender callback.
if (loan.callback) CoolerCallback(loan.lender).onRoll(loanID_, newDebt, newCollateral);
/// @notice Delegate voting power on collateral.
/// @param to_ address to delegate.
function delegateVoting(address to_) external {
if (msg.sender != owner()) revert OnlyApproved();
// --- LENDER ----------------------------------------------------
/// @notice Fill a requested loan as a lender.
/// @param reqID_ index of request in requests[].
/// @param repayDirect_ lender should input false if concerned about debt token blacklisting.
/// @param isCallback_ true if the lender implements the CoolerCallback abstract. False otherwise.
/// @return loanID of the granted loan. Equivalent to the index of loan in loans[].
function clearRequest(
uint256 reqID_,
bool repayDirect_,
bool isCallback_
) external returns (uint256 loanID) {
Request memory req = requests[reqID_];
// If necessary, ensure lender implements the CoolerCallback abstract.
if (isCallback_ && !CoolerCallback(msg.sender).isCoolerCallback()) revert NotCoolerCallback();
// Ensure loan request is active.
if (! revert Deactivated();
// Clear the loan request in memory. = false;
// Calculate and store loan terms.
uint256 interest = interestFor(req.amount, req.interest, req.duration);
uint256 collat = collateralFor(req.amount, req.loanToCollateral);
uint256 expiration = block.timestamp + req.duration;
loanID = loans.length;
request: req,
amount: req.amount + interest,
unclaimed: 0,
collateral: collat,
expiry: expiration,
lender: msg.sender,
repayDirect: repayDirect_,
callback: isCallback_
// Clear the loan request storage.
requests[reqID_].active = false;
// Transfer debt tokens to the owner of the request.
debt().safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, owner(), req.amount);
// Log the event.
factory().newEvent(reqID_, CoolerFactory.Events.ClearRequest, 0);
/// @notice Provide new terms for loan to be rolled over.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
/// @param interest_ to pay (annualized % of 'amount_'). Expressed in DECIMALS_INTEREST.
/// @param loanToCollateral_ debt tokens per collateral token pledged. Expressed in 10**debt().decimals().
/// @param duration_ of loan tenure in seconds.
function provideNewTermsForRoll(
uint256 loanID_,
uint256 interest_,
uint256 loanToCollateral_,
uint256 duration_
) external {
Loan storage loan = loans[loanID_];
if (msg.sender != loan.lender) revert OnlyApproved();
loan.request =
/// @notice Claim debt tokens if repayDirect was false.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
function claimRepaid(uint256 loanID_) external {
Loan memory loan = loans[loanID_];
// Update storage.
uint256 claim = loan.unclaimed;
delete loans[loanID_].unclaimed;
// Transfer repaid debt back to the lender.
debt().safeTransfer(loan.lender, claim);
/// @notice Claim collateral upon loan default.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[]
/// @return defaulted debt by the borrower, collateral kept by the lender, elapsed time since expiry.
function claimDefaulted(uint256 loanID_) external returns (uint256, uint256, uint256) {
Loan memory loan = loans[loanID_];
delete loans[loanID_];
if (block.timestamp <= loan.expiry) revert NoDefault();
// Transfer defaulted collateral to the lender.
collateral().safeTransfer(loan.lender, loan.collateral);
// Log the event.
factory().newEvent(loanID_, CoolerFactory.Events.DefaultLoan, 0);
// If necessary, trigger lender callback.
if (loan.callback) CoolerCallback(loan.lender).onDefault(loanID_, loan.amount, loan.collateral);
return (loan.amount, loan.collateral, block.timestamp - loan.expiry);
/// @notice Approve transfer of loan ownership rights to a new address.
/// @param to_ address to be approved.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
function approveTransfer(address to_, uint256 loanID_) external {
if (msg.sender != loans[loanID_].lender) revert OnlyApproved();
// Update transfer approvals.
approvals[loanID_] = to_;
/// @notice Execute loan ownership transfer. Must be previously approved by the lender.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
function transferOwnership(uint256 loanID_) external {
if (msg.sender != approvals[loanID_]) revert OnlyApproved();
// Update the load lender.
loans[loanID_].lender = msg.sender;
// Clear transfer approvals.
approvals[loanID_] = address(0);
/// @notice Set direct repayment of a given loan.
/// @param loanID_ of lender's loan.
/// @param direct_ true if a direct repayment is desired. False otherwise.
function setDirectRepay(uint256 loanID_, bool direct_) external {
if (msg.sender != loans[loanID_].lender) revert OnlyApproved();
// Update the repayment method.
loans[loanID_].repayDirect = direct_;
// --- AUX FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------
/// @notice Compute collateral needed for loan amount at given loan to collateral ratio.
/// @param amount_ of collateral tokens.
/// @param loanToCollateral_ ratio for loan.
function collateralFor(uint256 amount_, uint256 loanToCollateral_) public view returns (uint256) {
return (amount_ * (10 ** collateral().decimals())) / loanToCollateral_;
/// @notice compute collateral needed to roll loan.
/// @param loanID_ of loan to roll.
function newCollateralFor(uint256 loanID_) public view returns (uint256) {
Loan memory loan = loans[loanID_];
// Accounts for all outstanding debt (borrowed amount + interest).
uint256 neededCollateral = collateralFor(
neededCollateral > loan.collateral ?
neededCollateral - loan.collateral :
/// @notice Compute interest cost on amount for duration at given annualized rate.
/// @param amount_ of debt tokens.
/// @param rate_ of interest (annualized).
/// @param duration_ of loan in seconds.
/// @return Interest in debt token terms.
function interestFor(uint256 amount_, uint256 rate_, uint256 duration_) public pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 interest = (rate_ * duration_) / 365 days;
return (amount_ * interest) / DECIMALS_INTEREST;
/// @notice Check if given loan is in default.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
/// @return Defaulted status.
function isDefaulted(uint256 loanID_) external view returns (bool) {
return block.timestamp > loans[loanID_].expiry;
/// @notice Check if a given request is active.
/// @param reqID_ index of request in requests[].
/// @return Active status.
function isActive(uint256 reqID_) external view returns (bool) {
return requests[reqID_].active;
/// @notice Getter for Request data as a struct.
/// @param reqID_ index of request in requests[].
/// @return Request struct.
function getRequest(uint256 reqID_) external view returns (Request memory) {
return requests[reqID_];
/// @notice Getter for Loan data as a struct.
/// @param loanID_ index of loan in loans[].
/// @return Loan struct.
function getLoan(uint256 loanID_) external view returns (Loan memory) {
return loans[loanID_];
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