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Created October 15, 2012 21:42
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Cinder Drawing Tips
// originally from
// thanks Daniel!
// ---------------------
/* draw a texture */
// ---------------------
/* Draw a texture into a specified rectangle, distort texture to fill rectangle: */
gl::draw(texture, Rectf(0,0,200,200));
// ---------------------
/* Draw a texture to fit completely into specified rectangle (no distortion/keeps aspect ratio, shows white space): */
Rectf destRect = Rectf(0,0,200,200);
gl::draw(texture, Rectf(texture.getBounds()).getCenteredFit(destRect, true));
// ---------------------
/* Draw a texture to fill a specified rectangle while retaining image proportions and not showing white space (texture is centered within the rectangle and overflow is masked/cropped): */
Rectf destRect = Rectf(0,0,200,200);
gl::draw(texture, Area(destRect.getCenteredFit(texture.getBounds(), true)), destRect);
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