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Last active February 23, 2024 22:48
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  • Save jkosoy/5903617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jkosoy/5903617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git Flow


Here is where a brief description of the project should go.

It may be worthwhile to list major project contributors here, especially if this is a closed source project as one might need to reach out for questions later on.

Setting Up

Explain any specific project dependancies here.


Explain how to deploy this project. Maybe minimum computer specifications or browser requirements are listed here as well.

Version History


  • This is an update to the version history.
  • Version history should be thoroughly updated and correspond to project tags.


  • This is the first piece of version information.

Git Flow

I keep meeting people who struggle to wrap their heads around the proper way to use Git + Github. This snippet is designed to explain Vincent Driessen's git branching model, at least as well as I understand it. Speacial thanks to Stephen Koch for being the true master here.

This tutorial is for Linux or OSX. Feel free to use Cygwin or write a fork for windows.

A way to think about Git and Github.

Milestones of milestones of milestones. In other words:

  • Open up a text editor.

  • Type "Hello World".

  • Save this file.

    • You have now created a "milestone" on your hard drive of this text.
      • You can now retreive that milestone by double clicking it to re-open it in your text editor.
      • This should be a concept you already understand quite well.
  • Change the contents of that file again. Add in your own text. Save it again.

    • By saving it again you've overwritten the previous milestone.
    • You can certainly redo the work (e.g. replacing all the text with "Hello World" and saving again) but the original work is gone otherwise.
  • Git saves milestones of milestones.

      git commit -am "By typing this command I am saving a collection of saved files."
  • This is great because now we can roll back to old versions of files without having to retype. Aka "source control".

  • However, wouldn't it be great if we could further save milestones in the cloud?

    • Aka milestones of milestones of milestones.
      • Github -> Git -> Save
  • Github is two things:

    • git, in the cloud
    • a social network around source code
  • All you need to do to push to Github:

      git push origin master
  • Now one could "clone" that repository on another computer and not just get the latest code but the complete revision history on another computer.

Setting up

Assuming your project is in a folder named "Project" on your Desktop.

Starting from scratch

cd ~/Desktop/Project
git init
git checkout -b develop
  • Open the file you just created in your text editor. Describe your project. I've provided a basic template below for what it's worth. Save it.

  • Go to Github (or Bitbucket or whereever you want to save your code in the cloud). Create a new project.

    • If you're on Github, do not check Initialize this project with a README since you just made one.
  • Determine your SSH clone url. On Github it's probably something like Should be on the project's page somewhere.

  • Add your remote.

      git remote add origin {{the link you just copied}}
  • Breaking that down

    • git :: The git command
    • remote add :: We're adding a remote connection for this repository
    • origin :: We're naming the remote "origin". You can also call this "github" or "bananasauraus" if you'd like.

Cloning an existing repository.

  • Determine your SSH clone url. On Github it's probably something like Should be on the project's page somewhere.

      cd ~/Desktop
      git clone {{the link you just copied}} Project
  • This creates a directory named "Project", clones the repository there and adds a remote named "origin" back to the source.

      cd Project
      git checkout develop
  • If that last command fails

      git checkout -b develop

Updating/The Development Cycle

You now have a git repository, likely with two branches: master and develop. Now bake these laws into your mind and process:

####You will never commit to master directly. ####You will never commit to develop directly.

Instead, you will create feature branches on your machine that exist for the purpose of solving singular issues. You will always base your features off the develop branch.

	git checkout develop
	git checkout -b my-feature-branch

This last command creates a new branch named "my-feature-branch" based off of develop. You can name that branch whatever you like. You should not have to push it to Github unless you intend to work on multiple machines on that feature.

Make changes.

git add .
git commit -am "I have made some changes."

This adds any new files to be tracked and makes a commit. Now let's add them to develop.

git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff my-feature-branch
git push origin develop


Finished with your project?

  • Create a feature branch as normal.

  • Update the version history in the file

  • Update this to develop as normal.

      git checkout master
      git merge --no-ff develop
      git push origin master
      git tag v1.0.0
      git push origin v1.0.0

Replace 1.0.0 in the snippet here with your appropriate versions. Now you have a tag saved.

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