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Last active July 2, 2021 13:16
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Maven tricks

Maven tricks

Echo all available Maven properties

					<echoproperties />

May not display all the properties:

Defining a project root property

Maven makes it very difficult to refer to other directories than the current working directory (from which the mvn command was executed) - it is this annoying on purpose. A workaround for Maven >= 3.0.4:

<property name="main.basedir" location="./.." />
<echo message="main.basedir=${main.basedir}"/>   

Jared's Answer @ Maven2 property that indicates the parent directory

Interactively resolving Maven variables/properties

mvn help:evaluate

Might be helpful for debugging

mvn help:effective-pom - Displays the effective POM as an XML for this build, with the active profiles factored in. mvn help:expressions - Displays the supported Plugin expressions used by Maven. mvn help:help -Ddetail=true - Display help information on maven-help-plugin. help:system - Displays a list of the platform details like system properties and environment variables.

Hadoop job jar assembly

<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <!-- include packed *runtime* dependency jars in lib/ -->
        <exclude>...</exclude> <!-- -->
  <!-- include unpacked classes that are needed to locally run any main class from the job jar -->
	  <useTransitiveFiltering>true</useTransitiveFiltering> <!-- e.g. exclude the logging libraries wherever they are transitively -->
        <include>...</include> <!-- include one dependency -->
      	<exclude>ch.qos.logback:logback-classic</exclude> <!-- etc. -->
 <!-- include another dependency, same as above -->
    <dependencySet> </dependencySet>
 <!-- include build output (target/classes) but exclude jars and the output directory -->

Maven versions

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates - shows which dependencies can be upgraded to newer versions.

Code checks

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