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Jamie Kirkpatrick jkp

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jkp /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from adammw/

Node.js for Raspberry Pi

Pre-built binaries

Recent releases have been pre-built using cross-compilers and this script and are downloadable below.

If you have found these packages useful, give me a shout out on twitter: @adammw

jkp /
Created February 18, 2013 12:30 — forked from jlewin/
Refork your own Gists!
jkp / gist:2284716
Created April 2, 2012 16:15 — forked from ahankinson/gist:1426301
Boost Python error "No to_python (by-value) converter found..."
I'm posting this here because I had a maddening search for information about why this error occurs when trying to do certain tasks in a Boost Python binding to a C++ object:
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: Element*
This was when trying to iterate over a vector, defined as:
typedef std::vector<Element*> ElementList;
It turns out that in your `class_<>` definitions you have to be pretty specific. I already had:
jkp / cmake.rb
Created February 21, 2012 09:07
Homebrew formula for cmake with Xcode 4.3 fixes
require 'formula'
class Cmake < Formula
head '', :tag => 'b8aa20c2913e91609c424d55fbb3d56cc5cd3dba'
homepage ''
def install
# A framework-installed expat will be detected and mess things up.
if File.exist? "/Library/Frameworks/expat.framework"
opoo "/Library/Frameworks/expat.framework detected"
jkp / gcc.rb
Created January 22, 2012 19:04 — forked from gilligan/gcc-4.6.rb
homebrew formula for gcc-4.6.0
require 'formula'
# Two exciting enhancements in GCC 4.6.0 are currently unavailable.
# Link-time optimization (LTO) is broken due to changes in XCode 3.2.6 and 4.0.
# This should be fixed in GCC 4.6.1: