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Created November 2, 2009 09:56
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import Data.Char
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Cmd
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import GHC.IOBase
-- Example:
-- Try all possible case combinations of "foobar" as passphrase for the
-- gpg-encrypted file encrypted-file.gpg on two worker threads.
-- TRY_GPG_PASSWORD='gpg -q -d --batch --passphrase %% encrypted-file.gpg'
-- ./hscrack "$TRY_GPG_PASSWORD >/dev/null 2>&1" cases foobar 2
main = getArgs >>= parseArgs
parseArgs args =
case args of
[template, strategy, base, n] -> run template strategy base (read n)
[template, strategy, base] -> run template strategy base 1
_ -> getProgName >>= putStrLn . usage >> exitFailure
run template strategy base threads =
mapM forkWorker (chunks candidates threads) >>= wait
candidates = nub $ strategyF strategy base
command = flip (replace "%%") template . quoteArg
forkWorker xs = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (mapM_ tryPassword xs >> putMVar mvar ())
return mvar
wait = mapM_ takeMVar
chunks xs 0 = [xs]
chunks xs n =
if length xs < n
then chunks xs (length xs)
else chunk : chunks rest (n - 1)
(chunk, rest) = splitAt (length xs `div` n) xs
tryPassword candidate = do
success <- tryCommand $ command candidate
when success $ putStrLn candidate
quoteArg s =
let quote '"' = "\\\""
quote '\\' = "\\\\"
quote x = [x]
in "\"" ++ concatMap quote s ++ "\""
usage name = "Usage: " ++ name ++ " <command> <strategy> <template> [threads]"
tryCommand command =
liftM isSuccess (system command)
isSuccess ExitSuccess = True
isSuccess _ = False
strategyF "cases" = cases
strategyF "permute" = permutations
strategyF "cases.permute" = concatMap permutations . cases
-- Add more passphrase generator functions here...
strategyF strategy = error $ "unknown strategy: " ++ strategy
cases [] = [""]
cases (x:xs) =
let rest = cases xs
in map ((:) (toLower x)) rest ++ map ((:) (toUpper x)) rest
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