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Last active May 3, 2022 21:28
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Turing machine implementation from Clojure TO 2022-04-19
(ns turing)
(def dirs
{:l dec
:r inc})
(defn move
[machine dir]
(update machine :pos (dirs dir)))
(defn read-program
[machine state sym]
(get (:program machine) [state sym]))
(defn read-state
(:state machine))
(defn read-sym
(get (:tape machine) (:pos machine)))
(defn write-state
[machine state]
(assoc machine :state state))
(defn write-sym
[machine sym]
(update machine :tape assoc (:pos machine) sym))
(defn step
; read current symbol
; look up [current state, current symbol] in program
; update with write, move, set-state based on result
(if-let [[state sym dir] (read-program machine (read-state machine) (read-sym machine))]
(-> machine
(write-state state)
(write-sym sym)
(move dir)
(update :steps inc))
(defn run
(->> (iterate step machine)
(partition 2 1)
(drop-while (fn [[a b]]
(not= a b)))
(defn run-n
[machine n]
(->> (iterate step machine)
(drop n)
(defn print-machine
(let [tape (:tape machine)
p (apply min (keys tape))
q (apply max (keys tape))
tape-cells (for [i (range p (inc q))]
(str "|" (or (get tape i) " ")))]
(doseq [cells (partition-all 40 tape-cells)]
(println (apply str cells)))
#_(doseq [i (range p (inc q))]
(print (str "|" (or (get tape i) " "))))
#_(println "|")
;(println "Tape: " (:tape machine))
(println "Count:" (count (:tape machine)))
(println "State:" (:state machine))
(println "Pos: " (:pos machine))
(println "Steps:" (:steps machine))
(def bb-4-machine
{:pos 0
:tape {}
:state :a
:steps 0
:program {
[:a nil] [:b 1 :r]
[:b nil] [:a 1 :l]
[:a 1] [:b 1 :l]
[:b 1] [:c nil :l]
[:c 1] [:d 1 :l]
[:d nil] [:d 1 :r]
[:d 1] [:a nil :r]
[:c nil] [:halt 1 :r]
(def bb-5-machine
{:pos 0
:tape {}
:state :a
:steps 0
:program {
[:a nil] [:b 1 :r]
[:a 1] [:a 1 :r]
[:b nil] [:c 1 :l]
[:b 1] [:b 1 :l]
[:c nil] [:d 1 :r]
[:c 1] [:d 1 :l]
[:d nil] [:a 1 :r]
[:d 1] [:e 1 :l]
[:e nil] [:halt 1 :r]
[:e 1] [:c nil :l]
(def bb-5-machine'
{:pos 0
:tape {}
:state :a
:steps 0
:program {
[:a nil] [:b 1 :r]
[:a 1] [:a 1 :r]
[:b nil] [:c 1 :l]
[:b 1] [:d 1 :r]
[:c nil] [:a 1 :l]
[:c 1] [:c 1 :l]
[:d nil] [:halt 1 :r]
[:d 1] [:e nil :r]
[:e nil] [:c 1 :l]
[:e 1] [:b 1 :r]
#_(-> bb-5-machine'
#_(time (-> bb-5-machine'
(run-n 1300)
#_(run-n machine 100)
#_(step machine)
#_(-> machine
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