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Last active April 13, 2023 10:37
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export CLUSTER=hello-kubecon

Provision Cluster

cat vsphere/cluster-list.yaml | envsubst | k apply -f -
clusterctl describe cluster $CLUSTER -n org-giantswarm
k get machine -A
watch "kubectl get machine -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{} is {.status.phase}{\"\n\"}{end}'"

takes ~2.5 mins

clusterctl get kubeconfig $CLUSTER -n org-giantswarm > $CLUSTER.kc
k --kubeconfig $CLUSTER.kc get no

In case CNI is not up and running:

helm install cilium cilium/cilium \
    --version 1.11.2 \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --set ipam.mode=kubernetes


k edit cm -n org-giantswarm $CLUSTER-user-values

adding node is less than minute or gitops way for MC in MCF repo


k apply -f vsphere/addons/nginx-deployment.yaml
k expose deployment nginx-deployment --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer

or podinfo

helm upgrade -i frontend --set ui.message="hello GiantSwarm" podinfo/podinfo --version 5.1.1
k expose service frontend-podinfo --port=80 --target-port=9898 --type=LoadBalancer --name podinfo-external

Destroy Cluster

k delete app -n org-giantswarm $CLUSTER $CLUSTER-default-apps
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