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Last active August 6, 2020 13:54
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using RCall
using AbstractPlotting
using AbstractPlotting.MakieLayout
using GLMakie
using EarCut
using AbstractPlotting.ColorSchemes
using AbstractPlotting.GeometryBasics
using PolygonOps
# R"""install.packages("isoband")"""
xs = LinRange(0, 10, 100)
ys = LinRange(0, 10, 100)
zs = [sin(x) * cos(y) for x in xs, y in ys]
function isobands(xs, ys, zs, low, high)
result = first(values(rcopy(R"""isobands($xs, $ys, $zs, $low, $high)""")))
points = Point2f0.(result[:x], result[:y])
ids = result[:id]
(points = points, ids = ids)
points, ids = isobands(xs, ys, zs, -0.8, 0.8)
function group_polys(points, ids)
polys = [points[ids .== i] for i in unique(ids)]
npolys = length(polys)
polys_lastdouble = [push!(p, first(p)) for p in polys]
# this matrix stores whether poly i is contained in j
# because the marching squares algorithm won't give us any
# intersecting or overlapping polys, it should be enough to
# check if a single point is contained, saving some computation time
containment_matrix = [
p1 != p2 &&
inpolygon(first(p1), p2) == 1
for p1 in polys_lastdouble, p2 in polys_lastdouble]
unclassified_polyindices = collect(1:size(containment_matrix, 1))
# @show unclassified_polyindices
# each group has first an outer polygon, and then its holes
groups = Vector{eltype(polys)}[]
# a dict that maps index in `polys` to index in `groups` for outer polys
outerindex_groupdict = Dict{Int, Int}()
# all polys have to be classified
while !isempty(unclassified_polyindices)
to_keep = ones(Bool, length(unclassified_polyindices))
# println("containment matrix")
# display(containment_matrix)
# go over unclassifieds and find outer polygons in the remaining containment matrix
for (ii, i) in enumerate(unclassified_polyindices)
# an outer polygon is not inside any other polygon of the matrix
if sum(containment_matrix[ii, :]) == 0
# an outer polygon
# println(i, " is an outer polygon")
push!(groups, [polys_lastdouble[i]])
outerindex_groupdict[i] = length(groups)
# delete this poly from further rounds
to_keep[ii] = false
# go over unclassifieds and find hole polygons
for (ii, i) in enumerate(unclassified_polyindices)
# the hole polygons can only be in one polygon from the current group
# if they are in more than one, they are "inner outer" or inner hole polys
# and will be handled in one of the following passes
if sum(containment_matrix[ii, :]) == 1
outerpolyindex_of_unclassified = findfirst(containment_matrix[ii, :])
outerpolyindex = unclassified_polyindices[outerpolyindex_of_unclassified]
# a hole
# println(i, " is an inner polygon of ", outerpolyindex)
groupindex = outerindex_groupdict[outerpolyindex]
push!(groups[groupindex], polys_lastdouble[i])
# delete this poly from further rounds
to_keep[ii] = false
unclassified_polyindices = unclassified_polyindices[to_keep]
containment_matrix = containment_matrix[to_keep, to_keep]
function contourf!(ax, xs, ys, zs, nlevels)
mi, ma = extrema(zs)
levels = collect(LinRange(mi, ma, nlevels+1))
scene = Scene()
for (lo, hi, i) in zip(levels[1:end-1], levels[2:end], 1:nlevels)
points, ids = isobands(xs, ys, zs, lo, hi)
groups = group_polys(points, ids)
for group in groups
faces = EarCut.triangulate(group)
mesh!(ax, vcat(group...), faces, color = ColorSchemes.get(ColorSchemes.viridis, (i - 1) / (nlevels - 1)), shading = false)
using CairoMakie
CairoMakie.activate!(type = "png")
using RDatasets
volcano = dataset("datasets", "volcano")
volcano = Array(volcano)
volcano_nan = Float64.(volcano)
volcano_nan[rand(length(volcano_nan)) .< 0.01] .= NaN
scene, layout = layoutscene()
ax = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)
contourf!(ax, 1:size(volcano, 2), 1:size(volcano, 1), volcano, 10)
ax.aspect = 1
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