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Last active June 1, 2024 22:51
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Amazon Kindle Export
// The following data should be run in the console while viewing the page
// It will export a CSV file called "download" which can (and should) be renamed with a .csv extension
var db = openDatabase('K4W', '3', 'thedatabase', 1024 * 1024);
getAmazonCsv = function() {
// Set header for CSV export line - change this if you change the fields used
var csvData = "ASIN,Title,Authors,PurchaseDate\n";
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM bookdata;', [], function(tx, results) {
var len = results.rows.length;
for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
// Get the data
var asin = results.rows.item(i).asin;
var title = results.rows.item(i).title;
var authors = JSON.parse(results.rows.item(i).authors);
var purchaseDate = new Date(results.rows.item(i).purchaseDate).toLocaleDateString();
// Remove double quotes from titles to not interfere with CSV double-quotes
title = title.replace(/"/g, '');
// Concatenate the authors list - uncomment the next line to get all authors separated by ";"
// var authorList = authors.join(';');
// OR Take only first author - comment the next line if you uncommented the previous one
var authorList = authors[0];
// Write out the CSV line
csvData += '"' + asin + '","' + title + '","' + authorList + '","' + purchaseDate + '"\n'
// "Export" the data
window.location = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf8,' + encodeURIComponent(csvData);
console.log("Sample Row:");
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I use the CLZ Books app to catalog all the books I own (eBooks, pBooks, audiobooks). This script lets me export them into a format for importing into that database.

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@johnnew2019 @heathkat May I know what you do with your list of Kindle books? I want to understand the need better so when I have time I can develop this project further.

I see a lot of people wanting a csv/excel sheet of their books, but I'm not sure why. I own many Kindle books too but I don't have this need.

Several use cases for me:

  • personal library catalog, able to be imported into other library programs (calibre, for instance). Your csv is a good first step towards this. Amazon's own system isn't always intuitive for a "scanning your shelves for something to read" experience
  • as a base for search. I own digital books in several platforms, a total of thousands, and it becomes a pain when considering buying a new book, to know whether I already own it. Requires login to each of the web platforms, manual search, etc. Have been considering how to write a programmatic solution for this for years. None of the services offer APIs for this use case, though, so I'm stuck with parsing a signed-in account via JS.

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david-bakin commented Nov 22, 2023 via email

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This sounds exactly what I have been looking for - a version that works with rather than .com would be great.

One of the key things I want to do is tag and group the books I haven't read yet. Some would be best read in a certain order.

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