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Created May 21, 2014 13:09
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* Taken from
* Description from pull:
* Adds a .textWrap() function which can be configured with .bounds() and .padding() and applied to a
* text selection using .call(), and will then auto-calculate text length and positioning for dividing
* into tspans accordingly.
* */
d3.svg.textWrap = function() {
// general setup
var default_bounds = {x: 0, y: 0, width: 960, height: 500},
padding = 0,
bounds = default_bounds,
y_offset = 0,
var textWrap = function(text_selection) {
var text_node = text_selection.node(),
text_node_height = text_node.getBBox().height,
text_node_width = text_node.getBBox().width,
text_content = text_selection.text(),
words = text_content.split(' '),
styled_line_height ='line-height'),
line = [],
lines = [],
text_y = text_selection.attr("y") || 0,
// only wrap if it actually overflows
if (text_node_width > bounds.width) {
// determine line height from styling or computed text dimensions
if (
(styled_line_height) &&
(parseInt(styled_line_height, 10))
) {
line_height = parseInt(styled_line_height.replace('px', ''), 10);
} else {
line_height = text_node_height;
// clear out initial text
// use a dummy tspan to check computed length for each
// additional word and built an array of lines that fit
test_tspan = text_selection.append('tspan');
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
word = words[i];
line_previous = line_next;
line_next = line.join(' ');
if (text_node.getComputedTextLength() >= bounds.width) {
line = [word];
line_next = word;
} else if (i == words.length) {
// append each line as a tspan
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
line_dy = j * line_height;
// only append the line if it doesn't overflow the bounds
// line height is slightly expanded to account for characters
// with descenders, but the height may vary between fonts.
if (text_node.getBBox().height + (line_height * 1.25) < bounds.height) {
.attr('x', bounds.x)
.attr('y', line_height * (j + 1) - bounds.y_offset + bounds.padding);
textWrap.bounds = function(_) {
// if there's no argument, return current bounds
if (_ == undefined) {
return bounds;
} else {
arg = arguments[0];
// merge width integer with defaults
if (typeof arg == 'number') {
arg_int = parseInt(arg, 10);
bounds.width = arg_int;
// allow any object with the necessary coordinates
} else if (
(arg.hasOwnProperty('x')) &&
(arg.hasOwnProperty('y')) &&
(arg.hasOwnProperty('height')) &&
) {
bounds = arg;
y_offset = padding - 16;
// get bounding box for any d3 selection
} else if (typeof == 'function') {
bounds.x = arg[0][0].getBBox().x;
bounds.y = arg[0][0].getBBox().y;
bounds.height = arg[0][0].getBBox().height;
bounds.width = arg[0][0].getBBox().width;
// if all else fails, use defaults
} else {
bounds = default_bounds;
// adjust wrap boundaries depending on quirks of
// the different wrap targets
if(arg[0]) {
// shift up if there's a cy attribute
if(arg[0][0].cy) {
y_offset = bounds.height / 2;
// shift down for text nodes
} else if (arg[0][0].nodeName == 'text') {
y_offset = arg[0][0].offsetHeight + (arg[0][0].offsetTop * 0.75);
// for polygons, hard coded as approximately half of 1em because
// in many cases there isn't a computed offset with which to
// adjust this dynamically
} else if (arg[0][0].nodeName == 'polygon') {
y_offset = -8;
bounds.y_offset = y_offset;
return textWrap;
textWrap.padding = function(_) {
// if there's no argument, return current padding
if (typeof _ == 'undefined') {
return bounds.padding;
// adjust bounds by padding value
} else {
arg_int = parseInt(arguments[0], 10);
if (typeof arg_int == 'number') {
bounds.x = parseInt(bounds.x) + arg_int;
bounds.y = parseInt(bounds.y) + arg_int;
bounds.width -= (arg_int * 2);
bounds.height -= (arg_int * 2);
bounds.padding = arg_int;
return textWrap;
// return configured function
return textWrap;
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