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Last active May 14, 2024 09:47
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Source Maps Milestones


Milestone Status Notes
Scopes and variables shadowingtc39/source-map#37 In progress Proposal is nearly finalized. Simon and Holger are waiting for feedback from Justin Ridgewell (who owns the most popular source map generating library) to give the final sign off.
Specification testing tc39/source-map#15 In progress Great progress being made by Bloomberg and Igalia (can be tracked here: 
Source map validator tc39/source-map#15  In progress Progressing nicely! We have support for the scopes proposal and many other validations. Can be found at: 
Define which points in JS should have a source map mappingtc39/source-map#38 Not started This has lost a bit of steam. There was a ton of support for it at first and I proposed 1. Line 2. Token and 3. Breakable position as the 3 points. No one has responded since.
Improve function name mappingstc39/source-map#33 In progress Will be solved by the Scopes proposal.
File system Path in sourcestc39/source-map#44 Not started Babel and Chrome have confirmed there are issues around this. We need to come up with a “best practice” as a team and add it to the spec.
Hashing of source mapstc39/source-map#19tc39/source-map#21 In progress This might be stalled. The source maps group has expressed full support for Sentry’s Debug ID proposal (​​ but we still need someone to take it to the W3C to get approval on the other side (emitting the debug id on error) and that has yet to happen.
Include record of inlined functionstc39/source-map#40 In progress Will be solved by the Scopes proposal.
Hardening: precedence of the sourcemap HTTP header over the sourceMappingURL comment tc39/source-map#27 Landed
Hardening: remove or at least warn about sections.urltc39/source-map#29 Landed
Not started
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