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Last active February 5, 2018 20:46
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Docker Question

My Setup:

  1. I have a Node app running locally with Express + React + etc.
  2. I have an /etc/hosts entry mapping to a necessary hostname
  3. I have a standalone Docker image running selenium with standalone Chrome (
  4. I have a webdriverio ( suite of tests that need to run against the local hostname.

My process:

  1. I start the Docker image with: docker run --name mycompany-selenium --add-host -d --rm -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome
  2. I start the local Node app with webpack-dev-server --hot --config
  3. I try to run the webdriverio suite with ./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js --baseUrl

My problem:

The selenium server doesn't seem to be able to hit the /etc/host entry on my host computer. Is there an easy way to do this?

What I've tried:

  1. Using docker.for.mac.localhost instead of the but like I said the hostname is vital for our app to run.
  2. A bunch of different stuff with the docker run command like --add-host but it doesn't seem to help.
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nathanleclaire commented Feb 5, 2018

Yeah this works for me.

In one terminal:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9090
Listening on 9090...

The container magic:

$ docker run -ti --add-host alpine sh
/ # wget -qO-
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><html>
.... etc ....

How did I get nslookup

$ docker run -ti alpine nslookup docker.for.mac.localhost
nslookup: can't resolve '(null)': Name does not resolve

Name:      docker.for.mac.localhost
Address 1:

Now, the caveat is that this IP might change, but it's a start.

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jkup commented Feb 5, 2018

Thank you thank you thank you! This worked perfectly.

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