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Last active September 19, 2016 19:29
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View local branches

git branch

  • the one with the * next to it is your current HEAD

View remote branches

git branch -r

  • repositories that are hosted on the repo will be preceded with origin/

##Create and checkout branch (based off of remote) git checkout development/3.8.0

Branch development/3.8.0 set up to track remote branch development/3.8.0 from origin. Switched to a new branch 'development/3.8.0'

What this will do is create and track based off of the remote branches.

Viewing Current Status

git status

main points are Untracked files and Modified files

Untracked - Brand New files that haven't been on the repo ever. If you want to delete them, you simply delete them and they're gone.

Modified - Files that have already been added via git add, and committed.

Undoing changes

If you wish to revert a file to it's last committed state (applies to Modified files)

git checkout /path/to/file.ext

Push to a remote


git push -u origin feature/my-new-feature


In the case you want to rename a branch on the remote

git push origin feature/my-new-feature:feature/my-renamed-feature


By default git wont set up tracking for you (so if others push to the same branch, you wont know about the changes)

to do so, add -u

git push -u origin feature/my-new-feature

Pulling remote changes

git pull

If you wish to pull your currently tracked branch:

git pull

If you wish to specify exactly which branch:

git pull origin development/3.8.0


git merge <BRANCHNAME>

Rule of thumb is you merge INTO your HEAD.

For example, you ran git branch

* feature/my-feature

This would mean our HEAD is our feature branch, feature/my-feature.

Let's say we want to update development/3.8.0 with our feature branch

first, we would

git checkout development/3.8.0
git merge feature/myfeature

at this point, the merge is complete

now if we ran

git status

we will see: Your branch is ahead of 'origin/development/3.8.0' by # commit.

now we can run

git push

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