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Last active March 29, 2018 12:10
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Forth in Clojure, so far
(ns forth.core
"Forth in Clojure"
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is are]]))
(defn npop
"Returns a list without the first n items by applying pop repeatedly."
[n coll]
((apply comp (repeat n pop)) coll))
(defn ffn
"Returns a fn which takes n items from the input stack, applies them to f,
and pushes o items (from the result of f) back onto the stack."
[n o f]
#(apply conj (npop n %) (take o (apply f (take n %)))))
(defn fapply
"For an int or fn f, applies it to the stack s."
[s f]
(if (integer? f) (conj s f) (f s)))
(defn feval
"For a list of ints or fns fs, applies them to the stack s."
[s & fs]
(reduce fapply s fs))
(defn f
"Returns a fn which applies the int i to the input stack."
#(fapply % i))
;; Forth Words
(def f+ (ffn 2 1 (comp list +))) ; ( n1 n2 -- sum )
(def f- (ffn 2 1 (comp list -))) ; ( n1 n2 -- difference )
(def f* (ffn 2 1 (comp list *))) ; ( n1 n2 -- product )
(def fdiv (ffn 2 1 #(list (int (/ %2 %1))))) ; ( n1 n2 -- quotient )
(def fdup (ffn 1 2 #(repeat 2 %))) ; ( n -- n n )
(def fsquare (comp f* fdup)) ; ( n -- square )
(def fp (ffn 1 0 print)) ; ( n -- )
(def fswap (ffn 2 2 list)) ; ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 )
(def fdrop (ffn 1 0 identity)) ; ( n -- )
(def fover (ffn 2 3 #(list %2 %1 %2))) ; ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 )
(def femit (ffn 1 0 (comp print char))) ; ( n -- )
(def fcr (comp femit (f 10))) ; ( -- )
(deftest arithmetic
(are [x y] (= x (first y))
(+ 7 8) (feval '() 8 7 f+)
(- 8 7) (feval '() 7 8 f-)
(* 5 6) (feval '() 5 6 f*)
(/ 6 3) (feval '() 6 3 fdiv)
0 (feval '() 3 6 fdiv)
(* 5 5) (feval '() 5 fsquare)))
(deftest stack-operations
(is (= '(1 2 3) (feval '() 3 1 2 fswap)))
(is (= '(2 3) (feval '() 3 2 1 fdrop)))
(is (= '(1 2 1) (feval '() 1 2 fover))))
(def stack (atom (list)))
(defn feval! [& fs] (swap! stack #(apply feval % fs)))
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