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Last active August 3, 2020 22:25
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(ns tailwind
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(defn- parse-map [m]
(fn [classes [k v]]
;; If v is another collection of classes, we prepend k as the variant
;; prefix for all of the classes in v, e.g.
;; {:lg {:px 1}} => lg:px-1
;; {:lg [:container {:px 1}]} => lg:container lg:px-1
(map? v)
(apply conj classes (map #(str (name k) ":" %) (parse-map v)))
(coll? v)
(apply conj
(->> v
(mapcat #(if (map? %) (parse-map %) [%]))
(map #(str (name k) ":" (name %)))))
;; If v is a single value, we use k as a shorthand prefix, e.g.
;; {:px 1} => px-1
(not (false? v))
(conj classes
;; If the value is a negative number then prefix the class with a minus, e.g.
;; {:px -1} => -px-1
(str (when (and (number? v) (neg? v)) "-")
(name k)
(keyword? v) (str "-" (name v))
;; Use the absolute value here as we handle the minus above
(number? v) (str "-" (Math/abs v))
(boolean? v) nil
:else (str "-" v))))
:else classes))
(s/def ::tw-val
(s/or :keyword keyword?
:string string?
:number number?
:boolean boolean?))
(s/def ::tw-map
(s/map-of keyword?
(s/or :val ::tw-val
:map (s/map-of keyword? ::tw-val)
:vec (s/coll-of (s/or :keyword keyword?
:string string?
:map ::tw-map)))))
(s/def ::tw-args
(s/* (s/or :map ::tw-map
:keyword keyword?
:string string?
:vec (s/coll-of (s/or :keyword keyword? :string string?)))))
(def ^:private used-classes (atom #{}))
(defmacro tw
"Takes a collection of class specs and returns a list of class names.
(tw {:px 2 :py 1} :text-white :bg-blue-500) => px-2 py-1 text-white bg-blue-500
(tw {:hover [:text-gray-100 {:pl 0}]}) => hover:text-gray-100 hover:pl-0
(tw {:lg [:container {:ml -2}]}) => container lg:-ml-2"
[& classes]
(assert (s/valid? ::tw-args classes) (s/explain-data ::tw-args classes))
(let [classes (->> classes
(mapcat #(cond (map? %) (parse-map %) (coll? %) % :else [%]))
(mapv name))]
(swap! used-classes into classes)
(s/fdef tw
:args ::tw-args
:ret (s/coll-of string?))
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