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Last active October 28, 2015 14:34
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/* eslint semi: [2, "never"] */
var STORY_COUNT = 45 // [34, 48, 48, 31, 45, 36, 43, 38, 40, 34]
var HELPERS = range(0, 3)
var LENGTHS = range(3, 12)
var ALPHABET = 26 // Needs per country
var DIVERSITY = 6 // OR: [6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
function range(start, end) {
var arr = []
while (start <= end) {
return arr
function sum(arr) {
return arr.reduce(function (x, y) {
return x + y
function product(arr) {
return arr.reduce(function (x, y) {
return x * y
function factorial(n) {
var result = n
if (n < 1) {
return 1
while (--n) {
result = n * result
return result
function C(sets) {
var c = Math.round(factorial(sum(sets)) / product(
console.log('C(' + sets.join(', ') + ')', c)
return c
function P(elements, sample) {
var p = Math.round(factorial(elements) / factorial(elements - sample))
console.log('P(' + elements + ', ' + sample + ')', p)
return p
function totalNumberOfUniqueBooks(options) {
return options.diversity * sum( (s) {
return sum( (h) {
return (
P(options.totalStories, s - h)
* P(options.totalHelpers, h)
* Math.pow(options.alphabet, h)
* C([s - h, h])
function defaultOptions(options) {
options = options || {}
options.totalHelpers = options.totalHelpers || 0
options.totalStories = options.totalStories || 1
options.diversity = options.diversity || 1
options.helperLengths = options.helperLengths || range(0, options.totalHelpers)
options.bookLengths = options.bookLengths || range(options.totalStories, options.totalStories)
options.alphabet = options.alphabet || options.totalStories
return options
function assert(expected, options, msg) {
console.log('========' + (msg || '') + '========')
options = defaultOptions(options)
var actual = totalNumberOfUniqueBooks(options)
console.log(actual, actual == expected ? '==' : '!=', expected)
if (actual != expected) {
throw "Fail"
assert(2, {
bookLengths: [2],
totalStories: 2
assert(2, {
totalHelpers: [1],
helperLengths: [1],
alphabet: 2
assert(4, {
totalStories: 2,
bookLengths: range(1, 2)
assert(100, {
totalStories: 10,
bookLengths: range(1, 2)
assert(200, {
totalStories: 10,
bookLengths: [2],
helperLengths: [1],
totalHelpers: 1,
alphabet: 10,
assert(290, {
totalStories: 10,
bookLengths: [2],
helperLengths: [0, 1],
totalHelpers: 1,
alphabet: 10,
assert(400, {
totalStories: 10,
bookLengths: [2],
helperLengths: [1],
totalHelpers: 2,
alphabet: 10,
assert(490, {
totalStories: 10,
bookLengths: [2],
helperLengths: [0, 1],
totalHelpers: 2,
alphabet: 10,
assert(1, {
totalHelpers: 3,
totalStories: 45,
diversity: 6,
bookLengths: range(3, 12),
helperLengths: range(0, 3),
alphabet: 26
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