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# ==== Emojis ====
# 🎨 :art: Improving structure / format of the code.
# ⚡️ :zap: Improving performance.
# 🔥 :fire: Removing code or files.
# 🐛 :bug: Fixing a bug.
# 🚑 :ambulance: Critical hotfix.
# ✨ :sparkles: Introducing new features.
# 📝 :memo: Writing docs.
# 🚀 :rocket: Deploying stuff.
nebil /
Last active August 10, 2023 19:42
🎨 The opinionated Git styleguide — with emoji! 🎨

Git – styleguide


_A styleguide is about consistency. Consistency with this styleguide is important. [...]
However, know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes the styleguide just doesn’t apply.
When in doubt, use your best judgment.

coodoo / gist:59891964b06a603e2dc8
Created September 3, 2015 00:16
react isomorphic 原理
- 我想要挑戰isomorphic,但目前好像比較少redux配isomorphic又配上webpack的方案
- 這個範例可看,最近全部改寫過
- 注意下面幾點
- js/bootClient.js 與 js/bootServer.js
- bootServer.js 負責做 server-render
├── books
│   ├── handlers.go
│   └── models.go
├── config
│   └── db.go
└── main.go
0xjjpa /
Created December 9, 2012 04:37
Understanding Google Chrome Extensions


Developing Chrome Extensions is REALLY fun if you are a Front End engineer. If you, however, struggle with visualizing the architecture of an application, then developing a Chrome Extension is going to bite your butt multiple times due the amount of excessive components the extension works with. Here are some pointers in how to start, what problems I encounter and how to avoid them.

Note: I'm not covering chrome package apps, which although similar, work in a different way. I also won't cover the page options api neither the new brand event pages. What I explain covers most basic chrome applications and should be enough to get you started.

Table of Contents

  1. Understand the Chrome Architecture
  2. Understand the Tabs-Extension Relationship
  3. Picking the right interface for the job